
New Member
Hi all following some advice on a non working clutch I replaced the master,slave and flexy pipe i have bleed the system there is no leaks . But now I can seem to get any pedal "feel" is there a fool proof way or sugestions as how to get the clutch going again
why did you replace the clutch hydraulics in the first place? if you replaced them due to leakages and now it appears to be bleeding out fine with no sign of air in the system, you may need to back bleed it from the slave back to the master. or sometimes if you are lucky, if you pump the pedal about 50 -60 times - which is a PITA as you have to pull the pedal back up to the top of its stroke by hand, you can sometimes get the pedal back to normal. Also did you alter the Master Cyl rod length when you changed it?
However if you have changed the hydrualics because the pedal just went straight to the floor one day and yet there was no sign of fluid loss, then you may be unfortunate enough to find that the clutch release arm has been punched trough by the pivot post and therefore you have lost all "stroke" of the clutch pedal - if thats the case - tiz 'box out i'm afraid :(
if you have not got that as a problem and even after back bleeding and or turning your clutch pedal into a multigym work out for you leg and arm, you cannot get a clutch pedal feel, the next option would be to beg and borrow and electric pressure bleeder, these units will normally bleed the most stubborn of systems :rolleyes:
Hi thanks for answering me ... The reason I changed the clutch master and slave is because the 110 was parked up for 15 years after I finally got the oils changed then fired it back to life there was no clutch "feel" or resistance it was parked up beforehand with no issues with clutch at all as it's my first landy I just took advise from people who owned them previously ?? I also as far as I could copyed the lenght of bolt when replacing the master?? How could I check if it right any ideas
plate stuck to flywheel or cover or both. start it in gear then jump on brakes, might free it off.
Daft question but if it is would I still not get any feel in clutch first ???
I tryed to get it started in first but it was only lurching forward ??
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Could it be jacked up in air ( just a few inches of ground ) reason being it's now been put on to my drive and I can't get it out without driving 2/3 point turn now :-(
If you've got the air out find a stick to press the pedal down and wedge against the seat and just leave it, if it's all corroded together this sometimes helps, need to leave it for at least a day tho!

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