
Well-Known Member

I have side steps on my gaylander. They seem a little pointless because the step is only usable for the rear passengers. Are these just side steps or are they supposed to protect the car as well? They look different to most gaylander side steps.

I was driving over a mound earlier (in the dark) and hit a tree stump. (didn't see it :doh:) The car bottomed out because the bracket for the side step got caught on the tree stump. The bracket is slightly bent now.
I'm not sure whether or not I should remove them. They do make the car look a bit better but I dunno...



Got 2 sets of those sidesteps in me shed that I've took off me Freelanders, bout as usefull as an ashtray on a motorbike, they don't help getting in or out (in fact I think they make it worse), the mounting brackets snag on the ground & they are made out of old beer cans so won't take any punishment. Get em off & sell em, you might get 40 or 50 beer tokens for them & you can put that towards a set of Slider Z's. I know it's subjective but I don't think they look nice at all, :D
I do use mine occasionally to get onto the roof rack but they are fairly pointless. Especially as they thin down to nothing under the front doors and thats where the standard roof bars are.

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