
I just bought a new 300 series v8 disco and it has had the rear TD5 light conversion.

Although they look brilliant the indicators double click (as it would if you have a bulb out) Any ideas of how this could be fixed? I works properly when I plug into my caravan.
Do all the indicators work? If they do then you may have the wrong wattage bulb fitted in one of them, should be 21w
I just bought a new 300 series v8 disco and it has had the rear TD5 light conversion.

Although they look brilliant the indicators double click (as it would if you have a bulb out) Any ideas of how this could be fixed? I works properly when I plug into my caravan.

could you tell me did you/thay use the existing 300 series pannel and cut and fill or use td5 pannel.would like to upgrade myown. if not sure could you send me a pic.thanks

try puting a other bulb onto the surquit both sides
it could be that there is to much power but when caravan in pluged into it reduces power

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