
New Member
Both the near side front side light and the NS rear lights are out. Brake light works OK as do all other external lights. The gauge lights on the dash are also out too.

As I've not much idea on electrics, Anyone know the best place to start?

Check the bulbs fost. Then the fuse box, if a fuse has blown and not just not making contact you'd be best to find out why it's blown before you just bung another one in, having said that I'd bung another one in an see if that blows, I'm just covering myself in case the "Don't do that you'll blow the universe up" brigade are listening. Then crappy earths in the lights. Then crappy lives in the lights. Then wires shorting out. Have yer got a multimeter?
Cheers Grunt, Had already checked bulbs, fuse (which had blown) then another fuse - which blew. Will have a go at the earths & feeds as you said.


I had just that happening to my Def 90 and it was caused by a hard-to-find fault in the wiring loom to the front lights. WE tried lots of probable causes, but none made any difference till I took out part of the wiring loom.

The harness went from centre of engine bay round the back of the heater then behind the double skinned panel and eventually appeared at the back of the left front lights cluster. The fault was a wire that had rubbed through the insulation on a sharp corner of a body-panel and was rubbing a live wire to the body.

Once the fault was found the cable was easily repaired, and the harness was re-routed so that it didn't do that again.

sure this wont help your precise problem, but i had a problem recently with the rear lights.

the OS worked as it should, but the NS wouldn't work a tail light, yet would still light up wen braking (less bright than the OS if sidelights were off/the same if sidelights were on). After checking the bulbs and fuses, i got frustrated and started taking apart every light on the rear of the car.

turned out that the number plate lamp was a rusty mess inside, and only one of the two bulbs in there was working. so i fiddled with it a bit and problem fixed. £5 later for a new unit on there and job done.

just goes to show how wen it comes to auto electrics (esp ona defender) the problem mite be something completely unrelated.
Ta Chris,

Just read your post now!

Funnily enough I woke up in the middle of the night thinking about the number plate light. About a week ago I noticed that it didn't look quite square - I suspect my little lad had stood on it when climbing up the ladder or the back. I wasn't at home at the time so I just straightened it up a bit, left it and forgot about it. 1st thing this morning, had a look at the wiring diagram and sure enough it is on the same circuit and when opening it up found the same you - a rusty mess. One of the bulb contactors was bent out of place and was earthing - problem fixed. Will buy a new unit this week though.

Thanks for the info,


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