Lumberjack Pad

New Member
Getting to that time of year, and typically the lights are playing up on an '06 110!

Long story short, turned the dipped headlights on, funny electrical noise came on from behind the dash and intermitantly the back lights are/arn't working and the front side/dipped lights and coming on and off alternatley when you turn the lights on/off?? :confused:

Any thoughts would be very helpful!!
We had a similar problem on an S reg Defender. It's fairly simple to remove the switch stalk from the steering column.

Check this over - basically what had happened in our case was the contacts were arcing because of sh*t on them - gave it a good clean with some contact cleaner and back to normal.
From what I remember you don't need to take of all of the start - you can "prise" things apart enough to remove the switch without removing certainly the dash.

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