
New Member
Hi there.

Freelander 2000, TD, 3 door version is one of my first cars ever.

My problem: i am loosing my cooling liquid horribly fast.
I took my machine to repair station. Problem was the hose, so they made something temporary, and in one week time they should replace it with original or smth like that.
So, I have filled my cooling tank FULL. After all, it was gone... okay, I guess it has to run into some special engine places to un-air the system or somethin.
I have already poured like 4l of it liquid and it is still running away.

Should I pour about 1-2 l more, so it will finally reach the normal level? Or it is just a waste of money? I don't know how big is the space, where cooling liquid has it's place...

I need to kinda know this stuff, cause tomorrow I have to get to work... ;D

Thanks, Michal Jagiello
td4 cooling system will take 6.6 litres of coolant (i.e. water and anti freeze mix) from a drain down and refill. If it's on a rebuild so there is no coolant in the engine hoses or rad anywhere, it'll take 7.3 litres.

depending on where you are, maybe not bother with antifreeze (which has to be O.A.T. by the way) until the leak is rectified. Water's free, but antifreeze isn't. Once the leak's rectified, then drain off about 3.3 litres and top back up with anti freeze.

just a hunch you're not in UK, but from a UK dealer, antifreeze is about £9 per litre.
Thank you, my friend.

So, whole system consists of 7.3l free space for certain liquid. I poured about 4, maybe a bit more L of antifreeze one. So, perhaps that's the reason, why my engine drains my min/max tank. I guess I shall pour like two more, then see what happens...

Bit first of all, I have to call repair place if they trained empty whole cooling system.

Thanks a milion!
Damn. Now I know what's the problem why it's "gently supping" my anti freeze liquid.

Cause mechanics didn't do jack. Head of their unit is simply an ass.

Thanks anyway.
The problem is still the hose. It has leack. Till friday, they should have origina replacement, then I will pay last visit ever at this station - they will fix it and bye bye.

Damn, they told me it was ready, but it wasn't. What a lack of responsibility.

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