Hi Scott as a young land rover owner you can go down 2 roads here and i run a modded series 2a for 900 quid fully comp with all bells and whistles and full year EU cover and im 20 but if you can get insurance for 1100 quid i wish you luck but budget for 3 to 4 grand for a decent defender, my first car was renault clio 1.9d and yer my mates laughed but i could get 60mpg and my insurance was lower than theirs i wanted to drive my 2a straight away but im glad i did not get an old banger first run it for a year slow down and learn to drive properly and then get your land rover as no matter what you say having just passed a test you then need to learn to drive properly me and my instructor had huge rows about turning your head when reversing etc and he said im teaching you to pass the test not to drive the day you get your liscence is the day you start learning to drive so get a ****ter learn to drive get the fast bull**** out of your system tehn get your landy

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