
Hi there I'm turning 17 in a few months I've found insurance for a defender 90 van and I am going to have about 2k to spend on one would I be able to get one for this do you think any advice would be great


Hi there I'm turning 17 in a few months I've found insurance for a defender 90 van and I am going to have about 2k to spend on one would I be able to get one for this do you think any advice would be great



Yes you can buy one for £2k.

But i wouldn't ;):eek::eek:
Thank for you help guys but I always had left with mecano lol don't no why people have to get funny I'm only asking for advice

Rgds scott
Bcos you clearly have done no research and come here and expect people to do it all for you?
Double your budget to £4k. You will get an OK defender.
and then budget another £1k for insurance.

Hows that ?
So what prices have you seen?
If youve found a good defender for £2k please share it with us all!!
A £2K defender will either be a heap of junk sat on a reasonable chassis, or a tidy looking vehicle with a tired engine held together by rust. For a reasonble vehicle that you can drive away and not have to worry about anything major going wrong soon, you should budget at least £3k.
I spent 4k and it has been a great experience with no major bills for the last year and a bit. My insurance is around 100 pounds fully comp.
Hello young dude !
BearDy89's info for you is spot-on....

For two grand, unless you're buying from a very generous relative, it is only going to get you into a world of grief and hassle that you will live to regret, probably very soon after parting with it.

At 17 - a Landrover is probably not the most ideal vehicle.. most of your peers will be looking at Saxo's, Corsa's, 206's, Polo's at the 1 litre, to 1.1 / 1.2 sizes.
But hell yeah, I sure wouldnt talk you out of it. :)

Your insurance is going to be the ballache here, - I'm 30 yrs older than you with a 30 yr impeccable ( accidents / claims wise, anyway ) driving history, and my 90 costs me about £ 275 to insure fully comp, so you will be lloking at somewhere in excess of £ 1200 depending on where you live. Thats a lot of petrol for a 1.1 206.
but again, do not be put off ...
if you're going to do it ... do it ! :)

you need to be thinking in terms of upwards of maybe £ 3 1/2 Grand.. and if you can wait thill the threat of snow is gone - the prices drop a little bit... until the onset of winter when they'll begin to rise again.

And bear in mind - as soon as you turn the key, the thing will start to eat money like an airport lounge bandit ... fuel, OIL !!, servicing components, maintenance components, 'glitzy add-ons' ( we all do it ! ).. be it CB's, 'Raptor Dash's' etc etc.. thats all part of the fun of ownership .... but you'll need to factor that in to your budgetting.
Thats before you get near roadtax, MOT, etc etc.
Just go into it with your eyes very wide open ... its a money pit, and a very deep one, at that.

However, thats the 'logic' side of it .. the right-brain thinking .....
the 'imagination / intuitive' left-brain part is much more fun .. with 'obatining' ( lets assume for a second that you are successful in getting one at an accptable price ), - so begins a 'love affair , well perhaps more accurately a 'love/hate' relationship that will last for a huge number of years, all being well.
some days you'll curse its very existence, other times.. you will love it as only a 'mother could'. thats normal....
ALL DAYS cost. and cost heavily.

Thats the same with all vehicles, with all mechanical apparatus that combusts a fuel, fact with almost all activities you ever embark on ... they cost money, one and all.
The only thing you ever get 'free' - is abuse.
& be assured, you're in the right place for that :D

Good luck, and come back & tell us how you get on, ok ? ;) much was your insurance for a 90 van? i looked everywhere for several months and couldnt beat 5 grand per year! I'm now driving a polo and hope to get a 90 in a few years time. Good luck!
i love being in my 30s, married, kids, no accidents - I am an underwriters dream! They pay me to take the insurance!!

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