
New Member
Hey Guys,

Just got back from Botswana where I was working with large carnivores and doing a lotta off-roading through some killer thorn bushes.

The amount of punctures we got on those tyres was insane....sometimes I got 3-4 punctures a day...In fairness, our tyres were knackered and our general strategy was to patch inner tubes until they could not be patched no more....

I ve read about ways to prevent punctures such as chemical sealants and puncture proof liners within the tyre. Have any of you used these techniques...what do you reckon?

Ive heard that the chemical sealant can cause corrosion on the rim?


could always try an older knackered tire inside your "outside" knackered tire,
by cutting the sealing bead of the inner tyre it can be fitted inside the "outer" tyre,
then tubed inside all that.
not legal here, but
spose anything goes..

I never known sealent to damage rims, but as your running tubes?
will it matter anyway?
Just a thought, but wouldn't it be better to ask locals who probably have to deal with that particular issue far more often than we do in UK?

I used to run a mousse and slime when Enduro riding, but dunno if that would apply ..