No, the forum has gone very funny...I can't delete posts or add photos for some reason.

On the good side though, my prop is done and the hideous noise has gone. It's odd, there was only a bit of play in the UJs but the noises were horrendous. All sorted, quiet and smooth now!
No, the forum has gone very funny...I can't delete posts or add photos for some reason.

On the good side though, my prop is done and the hideous noise has gone. It's odd, there was only a bit of play in the UJs but the noises were horrendous. All sorted, quiet and smooth now!
No, the forum has gone very funny...I can't delete posts or add photos for some reason.

On the good side though, my prop is done and the hideous noise has gone. It's odd, there was only a bit of play in the UJs but the noises were horrendous. All sorted, quiet and smooth now!
If the only play was in the UJ's definitely measure them for replacements and rebuild the old one. then you have a spare for next time!

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