
New Member
went to come home from work went to start the thing and turns over not firing next thing flat battery after trying to start the thing, called the rac out they wouldnt beleive me on the phone that it needs a relearn so rac bloke comes outand says it should be ok as engine immoblized hasnt come up on dash, so checks fuses tries easy start, checks battery, then blokes his diagnostics in only for it not read the ecu (which i told him it wouldnt do)then he says got to call transporter out to move you another hour later he comes out "whats wrong mate anything i can do" told him "oh cant do that" so on the back and of to the garage for a relearn oh dear they not there so car stays there tonight after 4 hours im home no car and going to be lighter in the wallet tomoz, now toying with selling the thing:( might buy a hummer with the running costs still cheaper and more reliable then the rangey:doh:
its your receiver that needs to be changed for the remote. Sits under rear quarter window drivers side. New one of these and a new battery job done. my p38 went to the main stealer 4 times before i changed the receiver an no problems since
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hi,there is nothing worse than coming out anytime of the day and the fooker doesn't start,why dont you invest in a syncmate,saves alot of hassle,iam with the aa and they just try the easystart route aswell.pat.
went and got rr today just needed a re learn £47 and drive away till next time thank you mansfield motors for doing it for me(as i just left the car outside at their premises with a note thru the door top job guys)
true they get use to that stuff to quick then you are bolloxed

This'll make yer smile ..... Years ago I used to "Work" (I use that term "Loosley") fer Brit Gas... as my tools were always in me van I locked it up fer the night in the Gas Works yard......No probs there....Anyways Me lock broke one winters mornin ... never bothered & set off .....at the end of the day I thought "Oh Bollox, Me tools will get nicked overnight" So I reverses me van against the wall ...SORTED!!!!

Followin mornin (as is usual wiv the old Tranny Diesels) ..pops the hood & squirts the good old "Easy Start" down the air filter & Revs the bolloxs off it to get it going.......

As I'm revvin the arse off it ..all these VERY FIT young ladies come walkin out of the office (into 4 inches of Snow & minus 10 temps) ......

Thinks nowt of it & carries on revvin away ...... UNTIL the GREAT BIG BOSS COMES OUT & starts bangin on the side of me van........

I'd only reversed me van against the louvered plant room door & revvin the arse off it had chucked clouds & clouds of black ****ty smoke into the plant room

Result.................... the fookin fire alarm had gone off & everybody was evacuated!!!!!!!!!!

I wasn't very popular fer ages after that !!!! .... OOOPPPSSS!!!! SORRY BOSS!!!

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