I have a problem.

Last night I started to get a swelling round my cocyx - thought better of it as I've had it before (lots) and sometimes it dies down.

It hasn't.

I need to get to the docs tomorrow morning.

Have just text BGB and told him - have offered him the room I have booked at Greenway Manor

If he doesn't want it - let me know in next hour - its avail for anyone if they want it.

All paid for - I don't want anything for it. I'd just rather it didn't go to waste.

I am so ****ing annoyed. Gutted, ****ed off and annoyed.
£100 diesel I put in the thing and we have 'cat sitters' booked for tomorrow (long story)

Plus, I've arranged work cover specially.

So ****ing annoyed
Missus just said, tomorrow, we will set our alarms for @5am;

If the swelling has gone, we'll come over

fingers crossed, heres hoping, its happened before.
Good luck mate and get well soon...thanks for the offers folks, appreciate it. Be there next time if the 90 doesn't throw a fit again.. to those that go, have fun!
Have spoke to Adrian at Greenway Manor

Have informed him I have offered up the room to anyone from the group, he'll need a phonecall.

01597 851073 GreenWay Manor - Adrian Barnes

BGB hasn't come back to me. FunkyKipper - of use to you?