
New Member

Guys any one of you have problems with the 19j 2.5td power steering. Every time I pass trough some water and the engine get wet the belt start to slip and the power steering dies for some seconds. Last time I was talking to my mechanic about it and he told me there is nothing to do. Apparently the 19j defect over the 200, 300 etc is that the power steering is located at the lower part. Hes also mentioned the belt, aperently a size bigger and a size smaller comes with teeth but the size in between you don’t find with teeth so that an extra reason why it slips even more.
I was thinking if sketching the pulleys with a screw driver but my concern is would it reduce the life of the belt drastically?
Or dose any of you have a better solution?

Guys any one of you have problems with the 19j 2.5td power steering. Every time I pass trough some water and the engine get wet the belt start to slip and the power steering dies for some seconds. Last time I was talking to my mechanic about it and he told me there is nothing to do. Apparently the 19j defect over the 200, 300 etc is that the power steering is located at the lower part. Hes also mentioned the belt, aperently a size bigger and a size smaller comes with teeth but the size in between you don’t find with teeth so that an extra reason why it slips even more.
I was thinking if sketching the pulleys with a screw driver but my concern is would it reduce the life of the belt drastically?
Or dose any of you have a better solution?

I don't suppose the belt could be tensioned a wee bit more could it?

It used to happen to me on the 200tdi 110, just cracked a bit more tension into it and problem solved.
have you tried a new, good quality belt? Like a gator one or summat, it could be your old one has perished and gone hard so aint driving properly any more.

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