No one stole it! Now it is actually at the lr main dealer outside Oslo.I had to check it myself today.On monday i visited the first garage that didn`t have the skill or equipment to repair my car.I told the bastards what i meant about their buisness.I also gave them the bill for the water leak they caused me.The manager was almost about to call the police.The other customers left his office when i told him about his incompetance running a garage.I showed him a feedback site of his garage with 1,7 out of 5 stars.I told him that after i had left him my feedback it would be under 1 star! I felt good afterwards!
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oh no !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! The main lr dealer changed the becm without any positive result.What shall i do????????????????????????????
Hi Lads! Now i am thinking about taking the plates and the insurance off the car.I will buy a cheap car and forgot the damned rr.It was my lifes biggest mistake.It ruins my health and life.
Hi Lads! Now i am thinking about taking the plates and the insurance off the car.I will buy a cheap car and forgot the damned rr.It was my lifes biggest mistake.It ruins my health and life.

Haha !! Don't be silly !
You'll fix it ! Keep positive !

Once it's working you'll soon forget about all this
Hi! I am totally empty! I have used so much of my energy and money thinking about how to loose the power steering and central door locking . Stiil it is a fault code "pressure sensor" .It has been changed earlier.If the filter inside is changed i don`t know.I thought the fault code was something to thrust? I don`t think someone in Norway has the competance to solve this problem.
Hi Lads! I`m still among the living.(but feels like a zombie) The f... garage has given up.They had another customer car in the garage they were going to lend parts from to my car???.Thank god their mechanic has been ill,so they couldn`t do it.I found a lr guru in the norwegian lr club in Norway.He lives 100km from my adress,so i have to drive to him tomorrow and take the train for three hours home walk for thirty minutes and bring the rental car home.He has fixed many lr with electronic problems that the lr dealers couldn`t fix.His speciality is p38,but he is also into l322.He has all diagnosis systems and programming tools.He is cheap and is very interested in solving problem like this.The seller is paying of course.On my way home with my lr tonight ,my windscreen broke and the right xenon bulb said bye bye .Problems comes not alone,but in crowds.

see ya!
Hi Lads! I`m still among the living.(but feels like a zombie) The f... garage has given up.They had another customer car in the garage they were going to lend parts from to my car???.Thank god their mechanic has been ill,so they couldn`t do it.I found a lr guru in the norwegian lr club in Norway.He lives 100km from my adress,so i have to drive to him tomorrow and take the train for three hours home walk for thirty minutes and bring the rental car home.He has fixed many lr with electronic problems that the lr dealers couldn`t fix.His speciality is p38,but he is also into l322.He has all diagnosis systems and programming tools.He is cheap and is very interested in solving problem like this.The seller is paying of course.On my way home with my lr tonight ,my windscreen broke and the right xenon bulb said bye bye .Problems comes not alone,but in crowds.

see ya!

Well you definitely due an award for not only the most unlucky RR owner but also the most calm and patient!!

I really do feel for you mate! Hope you get sorted!

Why not just give it back to the seller, get a refund and buy another? From somewhere else?
Hi lads! Delivered rr to the specialist this morning.After 4 hours he message me that he has solved most of the failure.I maybe bring my rr home on sunday.Hope i am lucky.The seller is private,and does not have money to refund.Otherwise i`d left it months ago.I am very thankful of all your support.This problems has almost killed me!
Hi lads! Got my rr back today! It was the becm that had a short circuit.The power steering is 100% central door locking is great.Now it is only the fbh,the left mirror reverse function,new windshield,front wheels/steering wheel adjustments,gps antenna left.
Hi lads! Got my rr back today! It was the becm that had a short circuit.The power steering is 100% central door locking is great.Now it is only the fbh,the left mirror reverse function,new windshield,front wheels/steering wheel adjustments,gps antenna left.

But at least you have a RR you can enjoy now!
I'm happy you got it sorted! Well done to these that fixed it! Who was it? Possibly for future use for others?
Hi lads! He is a guy name Haavard he owned range rover 13 years ago.He was not pleased with the garage,and learned things by himself,bought tools.Has all diagnosis.He is working offshore some weeks,and in the garage some weeks.He does not take paid before the car is testet and ok.Fantastic guy.Also import parts to lr.

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