
New Member
Hi all, just bought a '93 tdi disco, only niggle is that the steering seems a little bit lumpy, not much and it doesn't affect handling, just wondered if anyone knows what it might be? It has the right amount if fluid also.
Cheers guys.
PAS fluid, u/j's on the steering column, no oil in the swivel housings, knackered steering box, bent steering rods, could be one or several of a lot of things.
Mine had a few tight spots on the steering the other day, in the end what was causing it was the rod at the end of the steering box drop arm had gone dry, so I just got the grease gun out and squirted some grease in...

just like new again... :)
WD40 on the steering column UJs should be the first port of call....and then take it from there.

i'm new in this forum and recently bought 2002 LR discovery with no user manual to asist. i packed the vehicle for three days and noticed that my ATF fluid is leaked away as is evident on the ground.

i saw the traces on the lower hose connected to PS pump.

please what could be responsible for the leakage since the leakage occured when the vehicle was packed

i noticed the ATF leakage is from the suction inlet line of the power steering pump. Any clues on how to stop the leakage. the hose is really tight.

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