
Active Member
Or lack of it in my disco 300tdi , I noticed today my steering groaning a little on turns. So just checked the reservoir and nothing there. :( There is a wet patch under my disco now. Where will it be leaking from ?

Is back in the stores now... but returned with its battery flat... Again, and who has the charge lead :(
Or lack of it in my disco 300tdi , I noticed today my steering groaning a little on turns. So just checked the reservoir and nothing there. :( There is a wet patch under my disco now. Where will it be leaking from ?


Do you not check the fluids and pressures on your vehicle at least once a week ?

Ever service the darned thing ?

FFS it won't look after you unless you do your bit ...

(climbs off soapbox and puts kettle on)
Put some more fluid in and have a look where its leaking from. Start the engine up and get some to turn the wheel from lock to lock whilst looking for the leak.

Hope that helps.


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