
New Member

So I was driving to Manchester last night after work, I come off the motorway and my 2001 TD5 just loses power and will only get upto 15/20 miles an hour with #### loads of smoke out the exhaust. No warning lights, it has fuel but it's now on red. It starts perfectly, it's just when you start to rev, it has minimum power. Fuel related? If anyone can give me a hand/ advice that would be smashing. Cheers

When you try reving it is there any smoke and when was the last time it was serviced
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Does the smoke look white'ish or blue'ish? Does it clear after a while ie when it's warmed up? Is it loosing any water?
Have a look at your oil filler cap to see if you have any yellow soap either on it or on the valve stems.
No water loss as I can tell, it clears on idle but once I start to pull away it's alright the engine seems okay for a few seconds then loses power again, gets rough and can't do over 15 mph.

There was a bit of yellow substance about the cap, not much like but some
If it wasn't smoking just struugling then I'd say fuel delivery problem as in lift pump, blocked sedimenter or blocked fuel filter as you haven't serviced it for a while and the fuels low it would suck up crap / water from the bottom of the tank
If you haven't serviced it for eighteen months and you've run low on fuel a good service has got to be the best place to start
I would've said an issue with the timing until you mentioned the yellow sluff on your oil filler cap. Note of caution however, a very small amount of yellow sluff may not be anything to worry about, this can be caused through a small amount of condensation.

First replace fuel filter and test you fuel lift pump. Secondly get yourself a sniffer test to check your head gasket. If that's okey, have your timing checked.

Good luck. :)
Right, just gone to have a play around, changed the fuel filter, there isn't any yellow stuff there like I thought, but I'm sat in it now whilst it's running on idle and its shaking, not vibrating... Any thoughts?
sounds like injector in balance, check the red plug on the ecu for oil contamination, also the injector balance can be checked with a diagnostic tester so prob worth getting it plugged in, un plug the injector lead from the front of the cylinder head and give a spray with electrical cleaner and plug back and try, as i had this with the car shaking and the diagnostic showed all injectors open circuit, after cleaning plug and plugging back in, everything was back to normal,
also check the turbo for play

So I changed the fuel filter on the off chance, ecu seems fine, topped up oil and water as they were running low. Got it started, drove a few miles yesterday and all seemed okay. So here's where it gets **** again, I'm driving on the motorway at 60mph, seems okay, about 10 miles into my journey I release the accelerator a little and it just completely loses power, no lights on the dash, nothing. So I'm currently sat in a service station waiting to be recovered.... Ball ache
Do these suffer from blocked cats as well? I have never seen anyone suggesting a blocked cat as a possibility for power loss.

I know in your case this does not seem like the cause but just curious to k ow if the Landys also experience low or loss of power due to a clogged exhaust system.

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