Ah I don't care about that! Yes I can be a prick I know that I don't care, its the fact that there's a they in the first place!

If I'm such a cun't why don't people actually bring it up before it escalates to something like this? FFS am only a skinny little bastid people needn't worry about upsetting me :rolleyes: If am being a knob a PM goes a long way! None of these people seem to have a problem until ONE person says something, then they all worm out of the woodwork to have a pop. At least I don't wait for someone else to say something before I voice my opinion!
Ah I don't care about that! Yes I can be a prick I know that I don't care, its the fact that there's a they in the first place!

If I'm such a cun't why don't people actually bring it up before it escalates to something like this? FFS am only a skinny little bastid people needn't worry about upsetting me :rolleyes: If am being a knob a PM goes a long way! None of these people seem to have a problem until ONE person says something, then they all worm out of the woodwork to have a pop. At least I don't wait for someone else to say something before I voice my opinion!

Ah ha but im not welsh! Im only at uni here so mneh!

Theres nutin wrong with all students, I know several that are fine! Like me! :D

And i may be young but i'm your future... At least thats what my old school teachers used to say, not sure I see it myself...
Ah ha but im not welsh! Im only at uni here so mneh!

Theres nutin wrong with all students, I know several that are fine! Like me! :D

And i may be young but i'm your future... At least thats what my old school teachers used to say, not sure I see it myself...

fook orf ya c'unt, ya aint my fookin future mate!!

ha i'm two years out of uni so I'm still tainted with studentness for a lil while more I guess (just keep it to ya self, I dont rekon anyone knows, I try and keep a low profile on here, unlike NELLY who rants and raves and thus gets wat he fookin deserves!;) )
He he he it was dark yella... :D

Nah i dont whine about being a student that much, i aint really that typical as in a have a job and an expensive car, and i don't go out too often cos i can't afford to/don't find it all that fun.

What did you study rafa?
studying in america, watchin american films, writing a 20k word dissertation praising mr Bush,

keep this quite fella, rekon if the old guard on here got hold of this, i'd be in for a beasting!
studying in america, watchin american films, writing a 20k word dissertation praising mr Bush,

keep this quite fella, rekon if the old guard on here got hold of this, i'd be in for a beasting!

He he ok ill say no more...

Think they may read it though...

Your not still in USA now though, are you? :)
na not there any more, only spent 6 months there, cudnt take any more!!
****e, jus realised, it comes up on that LZ live thingy!!
me covers been blown!

twas a good laugh for three years, came out with a desmond and now am payin the price!o well ur only young once!

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