
New Member
I'm looking to wire some spots and beacon light to my roof for a weekend charity event i.e. I'm looking for a quick, cheap and temporary solution.

It occurred to me that I have got some household mains cable (3 core, 13a) and I can pick up a toggle switch for next to nothing - I may even have a house light switch hanging about.

So would it be suitable to wire my lights up to my battery with household mains cables and the switch in between?

I know it's not classy, but it would provide a solution.

Yes you could, it will look a bit nasty and will need a fuse on it. A pair of 55w spots will pull around 11 amps so your switch Would have to be able to handle this if you are not going to put a relay on it
Some household light switches are only 6 amp most are 10 amp

You should use minimum of 2.5mm cable.. If only temporary I would use an inline fuse on battery, the run the cable up the corner post to the lights, if you use bullet or spade connectors the you can pull them apart doing away with the switch..
good point, so actually an inline blade fuse (£2.50 from maplin) and some 25mm 30a 12v cable (£5 from ebay) should be enough to get this working and would probably be more sensible than using household wires.

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