Very true. Doesn't he?

Not so. We don't want to hear you sing but if your name is Adele and you dance then by all means prove it with photographs

Only if powers above grant me 200 pps and l show you some pics. May make your stomach chern! But you may want my number after :)
I can honestly say that no, I won't want your number afterwards.

To quote an LZ deviant 'its gods fault for giving men holes that other men's willys fit into'. Not this guy, mines healed over years ago
Why join a site like this specifically to ask for stuff? You seem intent on bumping your post count up just so you can post in the wanted section. There's a myriad of places you can buy landy parts
I joined in October because of the reason of buying a land rover. And as many of you know sometimes you may need a weird and wonderful part that only land rover owners may know details about where to find said part ect. :)
I joined in October because of the reason of buying a land rover. And as many of you know sometimes you may need a weird and wonderful part that only land rover owners may know details about where to find said part ect. :)


Try ebay.
The only thing I find with ebay is they seem to charge through the nose for new and never have used when looking. But garentee a week later they will be there though
Oi **** off if yer just here to buy or sell stuff. It's an enthusiasts forum for a reason and we get fed up with tossers joining for one reason only, posting a load of **** until they can get what they're after or flog their crap then ****ing off again.
Oi **** off if yer just here to buy or sell stuff. It's an enthusiasts forum for a reason and we get fed up with tossers joining for one reason only, posting a load of **** until they can get what they're after or flog their crap then ****ing off again.
YEAH........and why didn't you **** off 4.616 posts ago:p

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