Ey eye!
bollox! now thems clever things.... when yer hot they go all dangly to cool down and when yer cold they they hide away to keep warm.. :eek:
bloody amazin...

But how do they know;)

Over to you professor slob:p
as we all know the dangly bits between a mans legs have more brain power than the man hisself. so while a man will go out in winter dressed in a tee shirt and cheap trainers yer nads think fook this fera game of soldiers and retreat into the warmth of yer body. it also a form of defence that most blokes have lost..the ability to pull yer nads into cover to prevent them getting whacked while defending yer cave or freshly slaughtered mamoth.
now its dammnear impossible to pullyer tadger into yer body to keep it warm which is why blokes are always on the lookout fer someplace to put it.

of course there are those that say its simply because things shrink in the cold and expand in warmth.
can't possible be darwin's theory. ah mean evalooshun, what? eh? if that wur right we'd all have brains the size of mine and the gaylander would never have been made. G WW111 Bush wouldn't be the most powerful man on earth. and i'd have heating that works. so no! its not darwins idea.
big bang what ? you have nuffin then nuffin goes bang and expands across nuffin, then when it gets to the edge of nuffin it comes back to the center of nuffin and becomes nuffin again.
then it starts allover again.. dunt think so..
so what you really got is some endtity, could be you ,could be me, could be yella, lying drunk in the cosmic gutter on a saturday night after drinkin too much binge. and we and every thing around us is a figment of his/its imagination.
do you really think that i can get my message across thousands of miles just by tapping some bits of plastic??
so whichever one of yous it is, will you wake up! sober up! and get my heating working!
so why......
It appears that the word pirate (peirato) was first used in about 140 BC by the Roman historian Polybius. The Greek historian Plutarch, writing in about 100 A.D., gave the oldest clear definition of piracy. He described pirates as those who attack without legal authority not only ships, but also maritime cities. Piracy was described for the first time, among others, in Homer's The Iliad and The Odyssey.
The Mad Hat Man said:
so why......
It appears that the word pirate (peirato) was first used in about 140 BC by the Roman historian Polybius. The Greek historian Plutarch, writing in about 100 A.D., gave the oldest clear definition of piracy. He described pirates as those who attack without legal authority not only ships, but also maritime cities. Piracy was described for the first time, among others, in Homer's The Iliad and The Odyssey.

and you believe this twaddle? a bet you got this from wikipedia or some other form of unreputable info.

mornin daft!
obviously a fake then..cos the real one had an ad fer the hippodrome on the back of it. ben hur wis on ..again.
slobs not a lecturer... hes a story teller. difference being that story tellers only base their stuff on half (arsed) fact. it does make it more interesting though.

so were the spaniards more intelligent than the pyrites cos they could tell the difference in the gold? surely the pyrites caught on to the fact after a while. they couldnt have all been ****ed up doughnuts :D and as a geologist, im not sure if the term pyrite was around when there were bad men in boats on this planet. :)

"har har, that isnt a man, its some kinda sea monster!" (a.k.a. slob)

what would you know?? you still play wiff stones and you can sort yer own leccies out from now.
aw slob dont take a fence :) i love the stories! and we dont see much stone, mostly mud and sand. no pirates either lol.

jings! now he's insulting me by thinkin ad take afence at any thing said about me on here, ave never been so insulted in me life
well i´m gunna stick with my theory on the pirate cos the spannies around here couldnt tie their own shoe laces let alone hijack boats, and the colour of the dirty bastards, it looks like they are all scared of water ;)
yella disco said:
well i´m gunna stick with my theory on the pirate cos the spannies around here couldnt tie their own shoe laces let alone hijack boats, and the colour of the dirty bastards, it looks like they are all scared of water ;)

yeah but mines is more colourful than your bunch of manky wanna be waiters fer hotels in torquay

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