
New Member
hi all im looking for maps for green laneing all over or sat nav l ls to have a go at if any one has any or can scan some up for every one would be a grate help to many of us on here many thanks to any one posting maps
Er, dunt really get ya. I can see the point in posting good laning areas (though people can be quite secretive about them to protect them from idiots), but there's so many online map resources why scan them?

What is it yer after?
i think he wants free routes to go tearing up. im not disclosing mine on an open forum for exactly the same reason marcus stated. what is often the case is when mags publish good routes, 6 months later they are wrecked with new lines being cut everywhere, landowners get ****ed off. walkers even more soo. then you find restrictions have been placed on some of your fav. lanes.

so for that reason killnorton i wont be investing.

feel free for a get together for a days laning, many an experienced folk willing to share routes if you turn up and go as a group. check out the tossers in the laning section. they have a good get together each month down south if your in the area.

Yip, wot Griff said.

Just sounding Mr Norton out before giving even a hint to be honest (dunt take it personal, but there is a lot of ****s out there giving us a bad name & ruining our otherwise harmless pastime). But 'course he's welcome to join the TOSSERs, we ain't proud & the world needs more of us! ;)

The only other bit of advice - Join GLASS. £30 & the louder the voice we have the more likely it is that our hobby won't become illegal within the next few years.
i thort it would be a good way of finding out routs and for site members to get to gether i did not think of what u have put but i can see where you are comeing from
i am how ever looking for routs that are not to taxing for me and the kids to get out and about and meet some othere off roaders
If you've got a dog and an OS explorer map of your area, walk the dog along some of the routes which have green + marks on them (BOAT - Byway Open to All Traffic in the key).

If you reckon you and your car can handle the route, then drive it next time instead of walking the dog along it... dead simple and it's much more satisfying finding your own routes than having them spoonfed to yer.

If, on the other hand, what you're looking for is somewhere to flex some off-road muscle a pay and play site is what you're really looking for. Plenty of tough to do stuff on those and plenty of people to pull you out of the muck if you cock it up ;)

realy looking to show the kids sites thay would not see but dont realy wont to get out of my depth withthem in
Been not well mate then on one of the days of feeling better some **** had the 90 away from the car park leveing my stranded but finishing the new 90 feeling much better got some bits left to do then green lanes here we come mate
Have a look for some of my posts in the green laning section ref: Doncaster, Maltby, retford .. I can show you a few lanes local to Worksop. Mostly easy but interesting and with a couple that are awkward but doable by standard Disco/Range Rovers on road tyres .. ;)
No worries. ;)

Not for a couple of weeks at least now though.
Ok Paul don't mind when mate just let me no and I'll be there whent to a place called stanage edge last night was a bit hard going got the memory map on the iPhone now so I can pass on mapping
Heh, Stanage is great .. not easy though but doable in even a standard Disco (we know we've took a few) if you take time and spot the lines .. ;)
it was a bit dark by the time we got there got so far down past the poll and desided it was better dun in day light but have now found some one that nos it well so going to tagalong with him so i dont make a hash of it got to stay safe with kids but we are thinking of going on friday day time
Have a look for some of my posts in the green laning section ref: Doncaster, Maltby, retford .. I can show you a few lanes local to Worksop.

I can feel a 'D'Oh' coming on for myself here.......I was in Worksop yesterday in my Disco trying to think of something to do.

I must remember to give you a shout Paul, next time I'm coming up here........

My kids are dying to go on a short laning trip and were trying to persuade me to 'go hooligan' yesterday (short as they have a short attention span - couldn't take them on our long weekend jaunts!!)
Obviously I refused the hooligan bit....apart from going through the ford at Clumber Park a bit quick to make a splash......but it is only 2" deep !!
it was a bit dark by the time we got there got so far down past the poll and desided it was better dun in day light but have now found some one that nos it well so going to tagalong with him so i dont make a hash of it got to stay safe with kids but we are thinking of going on friday day time

Did you turn back before the really bumpy/steep bits? Wise move if you did ... I don't think I'd do them alone, let alone with the ids in.

Though with my kids maybe I ought to ... ;)

I won't be doing any laning for at least a fortnight ...
I can feel a 'D'Oh' coming on for myself here.......I was in Worksop yesterday in my Disco trying to think of something to do.

I must remember to give you a shout Paul, next time I'm coming up here........

My kids are dying to go on a short laning trip and were trying to persuade me to 'go hooligan' yesterday (short as they have a short attention span - couldn't take them on our long weekend jaunts!!)
Obviously I refused the hooligan bit....apart from going through the ford at Clumber Park a bit quick to make a splash......but it is only 2" deep !!

Ooh, there's a far better ford within a few miles, along a decent green lane too, with about 4 miles of very good lanes close by too. I'd have made you a cuppa. Couldn't have joined you in the Disco other than in yours as a map-reader, but you'd have been very welcome.

Do you have memory Map? I can pm you a few routes for when you're up here again, nice lanes, some can be muddy but all easily doable in a Disco on road tyres, though can be scratchy depending on time of year. I do them solo regularly .... ;)
Ooh, there's a far better ford within a few miles, along a decent green lane too, with about 4 miles of very good lanes close by too. I'd have made you a cuppa. Couldn't have joined you in the Disco other than in yours as a map-reader, but you'd have been very welcome.

As per my previous post - D'Oh!

And that's for both the lanes and the cuppa :D

Do you have memory Map? I can pm you a few routes for when you're up here again, nice lanes, some can be muddy but all easily doable in a Disco on road tyres, though can be scratchy depending on time of year. I do them solo regularly .... ;)

I have Memory Map on my PC. I've got the lane we did with 90boy on there :D
My tyres are a bit better than road tyres (but not much) but my concern would be getting stuck on my own.

I'll try and remember to PM you next time I'm up this way - which should be much more often than it usually is.
tim you ever need some one to tag along let me no tim and ill have a run with you not get stuck with the new landy biger and beter than my old one be posting some pics soon

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