Is it possible to fit a disco/defender gearbox onto a 2 1/4 diesel? and if so is it easy?. I have never seen a disco/defender gearbox in real life so I have no idea if this is just a bollocks idea or not. Thanks for reading.
fitting it 'onto a 2 1/4 diesel' is the easy bit. fitting the whole lot back into your series won't be.

aside from mounting issues, I think the boxes are longer which means propshaft lengths probably need to be changed ... which if you have an 88" are fairly critical already. I vaguely recall reading somewhere that defender boxes maybe shorter in the bellhousing but please don't quote me.

then of course the disco/defender boxes are all designed for permanent 4wd - which a Series front axle is not (unless it's Stage 1) - it has UJ's instead of CV joints in it.

I bet there's someone who's done it though.
Yeah, I've been doing a bit of reading, and I think it is a stupid idea now, Thanks though. I'm going to try and stuff a 300Tdi and box in there, if it's not that much more difficult than a 200. I have become really disheartened with the set up in there now. I used to love working on it, but as soon as I got the engine nice and sweet, the box disintegrates, and it's hardly as if it gave a lot back to me. My landy is a selfish bastard. Does anyone know if and where I can get some sort of decent exchange for my knackered box and working transfer box and excellent condition 2 1/4 diesel and ancillaries for a 300Tdi engine, box and ancillaries? and how much will I be looking at shelling out roughly?
Gonna to have a crack at this over the next coupla months...

..Will post pictures as and when (if) it works....


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