
New Member
Hi Guys,

I know this has been done to death and I appologise for that. I have a td5 def 110 and it started out with a slight nouse but in the last couple of weeks the noise has got worse and appears to have developed a rattle.
Now when the clutch is depressed the noise goes away, the rattle only starts when high revs, and there is still a slight whirring wity the car in gear and transfer box in neutral.
there is A lot of debate on the various forums that if the noise goes away that means that the noise is the gearbox input bearing and other people say that it's the pressure on the bearing that takes the slack out and stops the noise.
My intial thoughts are that's it's the release bearing and that the input bearing wouldn't rattle. However I'm prepared to be corrected and if I've gone from whirring to ratting in a few weeks it's on the way out rather quickly.
Any options etc welcome about how long it will last and if it is indeed release bearing and if there is a definitive way of working out which before I split it all!
Cheers for the help guys!
Most likely it's the release bearing,as it is still not noisy when pedal is depressed may well last some time.[several thousand miles]Try depressing the clutch just enough that there is some pressure on the clutch release and the noise goes away but not enough to stop gearbox turning and if still no noise then it has to be release bearing.
Rattle could be the clutch plate springs loose or broken or the rivets starting to fail. Does it go away when under load or engine braking?
Ok. Well starting to think it's both. When doing 70 rattling and whirring, distinct whirring when engine breaking, noise dissappears when going downhill and you match revs to speed. Is it possible could be bearing making a whirring and a rattling. Feel like whirring could be box and rattling is release bearing?
have you checked your UJ's as under load will make noise, and when clutch is dipped load is removed causing them to be quite
Yer I initially thought it might be them. rear seems ok, front had a bit of play, changed it and no difference.
Yer have checked levels. All Fine. Transfer box just had oil change. Am planning on changing the gearbox oil for new when I get the chance. Hopefully at the weekend.
Ok so quick update on this. Was sorting on the handbrake last night and while undoing the prop shaft bolts the gearbox and transfer box would lift up a bit. But on the rubber was moving, the mounts themselves are tight if that makes sense. The transfer box mount is brand new (****part). Could it be the engine mounts are knackered which is allowing the whole lot to rock slightly and could this account for the rattling noise? I no it's a bit optimistic for the noise but was more concerned about the amount of movement in general and whether it would cause a similar noise as to that of a lose prop uj? All my other defs, when undoing the prop shaft the gb/tb have been solid.

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