No I hear you and agree to a point but I’d never
Just buy something off eBay there’s loads on there listed as memorabilia and the such
Donor identity is a last resort. Hopefully, you will be able to locate the original VIN or chassis number, and off you go.
Yes mate I really hope so somebody has said that from the registration number and engine number I should be able to research the chassis number I did one of those pay for vehicle history checked online for a couple of quid but that only gives you a few numbers at the end of the Vinh number I’ll just see how I get on but I’m not going to part with any cash until I know that I can register it
Another thing you could do is to find someone selling the identity, VIN plate and reg doc of a similar vehicle which has been written off.
And then rebuild on a new galv chassis, which sounds like a good idea anyway, using good bits off the vehicle you have found.
You will then have a full set of numbers to send off, and a good vehicle.

Really o_Ocome on TM

If the seller only wants £150 and it looks relatively complete, I'd snatch his hand off and worry about finding it's I.D. later, you'll have plenty of time whilst doing it up. You say you haven't the room to break it which makes me wonder if you have the room to restore it. Good luck with it anyway.

If the seller only wants £150 and it looks relatively complete, I'd snatch his hand off and worry about finding it's I.D. later, you'll have plenty of time whilst doing it up. You say you haven't the room to break it which makes me wonder if you have the room to restore it. Good luck with it anyway.

Yeah I hear you it’s just not for me if I’ve got to interfere with the id it needs to be able to be registered as for the room I’ve got room for it if I can work on it not for it to stand there whole it’s stripped then for the bits to sit around for donkeys while half of the people that buy don’t turn up or want to wande about and change their minds lol
Welcome to the forum

Looks like it's been out in the rain for some time.

At 150 sovs, get it quick before someone else does. Get a photo of the seller as proof of who yer got it from. Worst case is yer strip it for bits. Tratter parts sell easily online. It's probably why so many are nicked. I never have problems selling on the parts from tratters I have acquired.
No I hear you and agree to a point but I’d never
Just buy something off eBay there’s loads on there listed as memorabilia and the such
Have you sat down and costed everything up Matty? That is going to need a substantial amount spending on it and at what you'll be paying for it it's good for stripping only, I know how much money had gone into mine and that things a shed. Take more pictures but that's a donor not a restoration project imho and I've bought a few

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