
New Member
Hi everone, looking to restore my 2a and modify her as much as pos. Firstly, looking for a new engine. 2.25 petrol too expensive to run. Any suggestions? Must be insurable for a 17 year old :D, Thanks.
aye only 2 choices really.

if you gonna put a 850cc bmc A series in it for insurance purposes, let us all know how it drives, ok?
why wud ye want to..its a big fat ****in ugly wasteful thing... oh look just like the good ol US of A
aye afer conversing with pricey earlier in the year i'm considerin stickin a montego engine in the s3 when i get it and being 17 next month insurance is kinda high on my agenda too:rolleyes: - good luck and let us know how you get on jonesy. try doing a search on here for prima perkins or words to that effect:D regards Jonathon
Did you buy one from witham? if yes could you tell me how good it is?? am tempted myself but have had bad expierences with second hand diesel engines!:eek:

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