yeah but the outter parts ie the rubber and outter steal cage ain t all that, the actual bearings are perfect the rest is just moulded on
ok fella will do, thanks for the support I appreciate it. Will also try taking a little pressure of the diff a little to move the prop up a few mm. Thank you again
One other thing to make sure of is that there is OIL in the rear axle diff casing.

Just be sure there is - have a peek ...

Hey there, what was the outcome with your droning noise from the back?
Just had an independant replace my vcu and support bearings, as well as the diff oil seal and I have the exact same symptoms you describe!...The garage are replacing the collapsible bearing in the diff nose for a start but after that i'd like some ammunition to throw at the :eek:)

cheers ears,
heres another idea if i ve damaged the inner race on the bearing pressing it on would that make the same sort of noise?
Damaged bearing races do make a droning noise. Did you use a tube over the shaft to push on the inner race when fitting them, or did you push on the outer race? If the latter then you will have damaged the bearings during fitting them. SKF quote "under no circumstances should pressure be applied to one ring in order to mount the other bearing ring".
did you damage the front prop cv joint when under there, its very easy to do as the rubber boot is the only thing that stops it coming apart

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