
We are the third members of the group and really looking forward to the trip.

Jamie and Lu

Hello :)

I am really looking forward to this trip.

Vince, what day do you reckon I should book the return Chunnel for? I want to get it all booked in the next couple of days. I was thinking maybe Sat the 6th.
Hello :)

I am really looking forward to this trip.

Vince, what day do you reckon I should book the return Chunnel for? I want to get it all booked in the next couple of days. I was thinking maybe Sat the 6th.

James, Saturday is the 4th not the 6th. I think that you are looking at June instead of July.
We should be following the itinerary on the way back ie spending the 2,3 & 4th at my sisters and getting the channel tunnel on Sunday 5th. Most lorries are not allowed on French roads on Sunday making the roads much quieter.
Should you wish to extent your holiday a bit, you are welcome to join us at my sisters although you will have to camp on her front lawn.
James, Saturday is the 4th not the 6th. I think that you are looking at June instead of July.
We should be following the itinerary on the way back ie spending the 2,3 & 4th at my sisters and getting the channel tunnel on Sunday 5th. Most lorries are not allowed on French roads on Sunday making the roads much quieter.
Should you wish to extent your holiday a bit, you are welcome to join us at my sisters although you will have to camp on her front lawn.

Haha, oops :doh:

I did the dates from memory and was subsequently wrong!

Sarah is really struggling for days off at the moment, so if we can get back any earlier we will. So you would be getting to Limoges on the 2nd? I guess we would get back on Friday at the earliest anyway.
Haha, oops :doh:

I did the dates from memory and was subsequently wrong!

Sarah is really struggling for days off at the moment, so if we can get back any earlier we will. So you would be getting to Limoges on the 2nd? I guess we would get back on Friday at the earliest anyway.

I'm planning to arrive at my sister's (Limoges) on Wednesday 1st at around late afternoon.
Then spend Thursday, Friday and Saturday there, leaving Sunday morning to get the tunnel early evening.
I'm planning to arrive at my sister's (Limoges) on Wednesday 1st at around late afternoon.
Then spend Thursday, Friday and Saturday there, leaving Sunday morning to get the tunnel early evening.

Time off booked for me, from the 17th until the 3rd :)

So far my plan extends to getting the Chunnel at midday on the 17th, that is about it!

We still haven't decided when we are coming back and I am considering buying a flexi chunnel return ticket so we can decide on how we feel, whether we want to go home and sleep, or see a bit of France.

I'm also not sure if my 90 counts as a van, a car or a camper van!
I've just had a bit of a Google and it seems that a defender is classed as a high car (above 1.85m).
And thinking about it, the check in is done automatically using number plate recognition so there's no one to question you anyway.
James & Jamie, allow me to impress (or possibly depress) you with my communication, navigation, dual voltage charging facility. image.jpg
Gosh you chaps have been busy and even packed to go!

James, have you left enough ventilation around your fridge? If it is hot it might struggle to keep the beer cold....

Hmm must pull my finger out and check over everything.
Wow, you're full. Still got room for your suitcase?

Hopefully I won't need a suitcase! I have a plan that the clothes are going to go in wolf boxes on the front of the roof rack. That way I can go out of the front of the tent and get clothes without having to take them up and down from the tent all of the time.

Gosh you chaps have been busy and even packed to go!

James, have you left enough ventilation around your fridge? If it is hot it might struggle to keep the beer cold....

Hmm must pull my finger out and check over everything.

Yeah, the vents are hopefully free enough to circulate the air. The dog bed kept blocking them up, which is what the mesh is for. He isn't coming to Portugal though, so I should have load more free space :)

I am not so much packed ready to go, but the dry run went well, none of the stuff moved at all even after a day of green laning. I just need to make a platform for the cooker on the back door and tidy up a couple of things and I'm done. Oh, and either change the bearings or tighten them up, I can't decide on that one.
Hmm, James. I don't see the jerry cans for fuel, water containers, room for food and beers and the shower. Think you will need a bit more work before Morocco. Let me know how you get on with the cooker platform for the back door. I want to do something on mine.
Hmm, James. I don't see the jerry cans for fuel, water containers, room for food and beers and the shower. Think you will need a bit more work before Morocco. Let me know how you get on with the cooker platform for the back door. I want to do something on mine.

There is one water, and one fuel jerry can on the right hand side. I need to work out where to put another one of each before Morocco.

The 2 clear boxes on the left hand side behind the table are for food, I need to work out where beer is going! Maybe on top of them.

We won't need a shower for this trip, so Sarah will be fine :D but will work one out before next year.

The compartment net thing on the left worked really well, so will put another one on the right hand side. The roof net wasn't so useful though, stuff just fell through it.
Hi Guys, can you confirm dates as i looks like I'll be in France around your time and would be looking for some time off.

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