Freelaner is obviously upset by my first post being in this section. His response was Blunt to say the least, I had assumed he was not happy with what I had done. Some would take this as him having taken offence.

It would take a lot more than that to upset me:)

I did say nice post ;)
Freelaner is obviously upset by my first post being in this section. His response was Blunt to say the least, I had assumed he was not happy with what I had done. Some would take this as him having taken offence.

They love to do this to everyone that ever posts here without an introduction, i would bet that it puts a lot of people off getting involved with the site because it makes the other users seem insular and stand offish.
there's no way to know you were supposed to introduce, and i've never been to any other forum where its an issue.

and really, who even reads intros?
just let people contribute what they want and if they're just here to beg for help or freebies without doing the work themselves then shoot them down. otherwise let people get on with it.

They love to do this to everyone that ever posts here without an introduction, i would bet that it puts a lot of people off getting involved with the site because it makes the other users seem insular and stand offish.
there's no way to know you were supposed to introduce, and i've never been to any other forum where its an issue.

and really, who even reads intros?
just let people contribute what they want and if they're just here to beg for help or freebies without doing the work themselves then shoot them down. otherwise let people get on with it.


+1 without the "they" :D

have to say i never bother to read the rules for anything :D
Anyway this doesn't need to get out of proportion, I will just quote my welcome e-mailed to me on joining then I will consider the matter ended. Life is too short.

Quote "antarmike, Thanks for registering at Land Rover Zone! We are glad you have chosen to be a part of our community and we hope you enjoy your stay. You are now free to wonder (sic) around our website and post pictures of your Land Rover or join in on the forum. Also you can add links to our growing database of Land Rover websites, if you've got a website please add it, it's free.

Thanks again, Land Rover Zone team "unquote"

The welcome message clearly says go off and wander around and post what you like, where you like, when you like. It does not say Welcome now go and introduce yourself before doing anything else and when and only when have you posted an introduction are you free to wander round the site and post what you like, where you like.

Sorry but my first post being in Series 1 porn, is entirely within the spirit and wording of the of the welcome I was given, by e-mail before my first post.
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Obviously English is not retired lecturer Antarmike's first language! ;)

No you are right my first language was baby talk, also referred to as caretaker speech, infant-directed speech (IDS) or child-directed speech (CDS) and informally as "motherese", "parentese", "mommy talk", or "daddy talk" is a nonstandard form of speech used by adults in talking to toddlers and infants., mixed in with a lot of "nonsense words" and dribble running down my face as I tried to communicate in their, not grammatically correct language containing a multitude of words that do not form part of English or occur in its use.

Now I speak Engineering, think and live for. I speak engineering as my first language now.

I hate message boards that lock the thread after a short time, so that I cannot access the post to correct them. So if you find something wrong in a post I can no longer edit, I may know it is wrong, I may be itching to change it, as I can on so many other Forums, but I like you I have to look at the mistakes powerless to correct.

My God you guys sure no how to make a guy feel welcome.
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It's all done in the best possible taste:D

Welcome to the site Antarmike :)

Any offence caused is purely unintentional, honestly :)

No offence was caused so there is no problem. I hope to contribute and to learn. Two weeks ago I knew bugger all about Minervas, I have been searching out every bit of information I can find, I had happened across the Minervas where built in the Village of Mineva!! before then lost it again, when I happened on it a second time, I just wanted to jump in and correct. the post.

I am sorry it is so well recorded that Minervas were built in Mortsel it is almost as daft to say they were built in Minerva as saying Land Rovers where built in the welsh village of LlandRover!! it is just up the road from Llandovery....
No offence was caused so there is no problem. I hope to contribute and to learn. Two weeks ago I knew bugger all about Minervas, I have been searching out every bit of information I can find, I had happened across the Minervas where built in the Village of Mineva!! before then lost it again, when I happened on it a second time, I just wanted to jump in and correct. the post.

I am sorry it is so well recorded that Minervas were built in Mortsel it is almost as daft to say they were built in Minerva as saying Land Rovers where built in the welsh village of LlandRover!! it is just up the road from Llandovery....

it's a learning curve and no-ones is steeper than mine at times :)

i must say i do know absolutely nothing about minervas
No offence was caused so there is no problem. I hope to contribute and to learn. Two weeks ago I knew bugger all about Minervas, I have been searching out every bit of information I can find, I had happened across the Minervas where built in the Village of Mineva!! before then lost it again, when I happened on it a second time, I just wanted to jump in and correct. the post.

I am sorry it is so well recorded that Minervas were built in Mortsel it is almost as daft to say they were built in Minerva as saying Land Rovers where built in the welsh village of LlandRover!! it is just up the road from Llandovery....

Interesting you should say that......

We rarely hear of the little known Land Overy varient........
Stuck on a buttress root, Had to use both front annd rear capstans to pull Landy sideways to get out of this one.
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My new purchase, 1952 build, 1953 production year Minerva TT.

The tree root on the last shot would have taken out this exhaust!

And its bullet hole through the load deck
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