I'm not I've got more to worry about.

One of my pigs has eaten the hairdressers coats and another ones humped Mings porky and made a right mess of him. And the three legged one my favouritest is in the cellar eating all the pork scratchings.
GRUNT said:
I'm not I've got more to worry about.

One of my pigs has eaten the hairdressers coats and another ones humped Mings porky and made a right mess of him. And the three legged one my favouritest is in the cellar eating all the pork scratchings.

there's me and the guys farting in the shower and you've got pigs in yours. new sport per chance?:eek:
i was bending down pretending to tie me shoe laces and having a peep when yer let one rip ;)
ffs you nipoot fer a packet of three and fookin yella comes and nicks yer burd..................................grunt! gees a pig will ya?
.grunt! gees a pig will ya?

Ya can't have the three legged one though.

And which messy article (PC) left the wet towell on the floor. Jeez it's a pigsty in that bathroom.

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