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Hi , I've put a new cylinder head and gasket on my Defender , initially had problems with getting the injectors properly clamped down , sprays of diesel shooting up from the head , took several starts before I managed to sort them all , that's done now and it starts and runs well but I haven't let it run for any more than a minute as there is a loud popping/thumping noise coming from the top of the snorkel ! Can anyone tell me what on earth it is ?
Tappets were reset after new ( built up ) head installed . I'll check on the dump valve tomorrow .
Simple cure ! I hadn't torqued down the rocker shaft sufficiently , not having a torque wrench delicate enough to measure 5nm I then could not gauge the angle torque that comes after that . Torquing it down evenly to 25nm and resetting the tappets did the trick .

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