
Well-Known Member
For a while now, I've been seeing that little pop-up occasionally which asks whether I want to leave this page. It's also been plaguing another forum where I’m a member.


It’s due to the adverts which are included in the rotating GoogleAds at the side or bottom of the page, so there’s nothing can be done by the Mods or even the forum owner. The Expedia programmers are notorious for using this particular javascript device.

Ok, so I’m using IE 11 which does read the javascript used by the Expedia programmers, my fault there. Other browsers or platforms might not respond to the script so you’ll be wondering what I’m wittering on about.
I usually only get this from sites where I start typing a reply and then think better of it and leave. Like facebook.

Maybe consider Firefox with the Noscript addon. You can pick and choose what sites can run javascript and what sites can't. It took a bit of getting used to and can be busy at first but I wouldn't be without it now both for cleaning up sites that have adverts from a dozen third party sites that want to run and for the additional security.
I second the Firefox No Script addon. I found it useful when I had my PC. I have a mac now and wow, the difference! no going back for me... lol

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