I will pull anyone out as long as they aren't driving an Audi or a bmw, in which case they can sort themselves out.
I used to have to carry tow-out & jump start disclaimer forms in our work vans on a holiday park- amazing how many idiots leave a 12v fridge on in their car whilst camping, or park a nissan almera on a tree stump!
In my original rant, I was only talking about pulling people off slippery/muddy grass. No kinetic snatch straps or any of that stuff. I was using a 8.5t recovery strap with rated 4 3/4t shackles, an extra short strap attached between my rear steps and the main strap too ( on the off-chance of hardware failure this prevents any shackles or straps flying towards the stricken motorist! ). Very safe and simple stuff! Anything more serious then I'd have a think about it first ( I'd have no second thoughts in an emergency).
I was quite surprised about the replies, at first. Albeit some of it is banter! I'm fully aware of the potential legalities if one was to damage someone else's vehicle, which is fair enough. I'm glad there are others out there who'd lend a hand!
So there really is an issue with towing people off a bit of mud with your 4x4..? I thought all this was just banter.. course I'd stop and help.. before HSE and the internet we used stuff called common sense and judgement.. :rolleyes:

It does seem some really do have an issue with it :confused:
I remember we lived right on top of a hill , a road came up one side and down the other.
One day it snowed like #### and cars were struggling to climb the hill so some eejit in a 110 decided he was going to get stuck in and help, he pulled at least a dozen cars up the hill leaving each one at the top before heading back down for the next, what he didn't ####ing realise was the cars then slid uncontrollably down the other side, through a primary school , then through a hospital full of pregnant women , then into a duck pond full of baby ducks, c##t!
I would be glad to give someone a pull in the old beast, ain't got any modern towing kit but the old chain has not let me down and we have used it to pull far more solid structures. Depends on the situation of course
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I would be glad to give someone a pull in the old beast, ain't got any modern towing kit but the old chain has not let me down and we have used it to pull far more solid structures
Can you give me the postcode of this pub please..? :)
I remember we lived right on top of a hill , a road came up one side and down the other.

One day it snowed like #### and cars were struggling to climb the hill so some eejit in a 110 decided he was going to get stuck in and help, he pulled at least a dozen cars up the hill leaving each one at the top before heading back down for the next, what he didn't ####ing realise was the cars then slid uncontrollably down the other side, through a primary school , then through a hospital full of pregnant women , then into a duck pond full of baby ducks, c##t!

Were they fluffy ducklings?
I've owned several different marques of 4x4 and used all of them to tow others out of their predicament.
My statistical analysis is just fine thanks, i.e. I can count. At least up to 10 anyway and as I had 3 fingers left I made it 7! I also noticed it was only me helping others out, that was easy to see! They're all posh cnuts round here anyway so don't want to get their hands dirty, getting their Hunters muddy is bad enough!
Thanks for your input all the same!

You need to turn up the irony meter Blue - that was exactly my point....:D A
Tbh I dunno what the problem is.

For the most part we're talking about vehicles that need a little extra gentle pull not snatch recoveries ffs.

Mind you if you don't think your capable of pulling a car off some slippery grass without ripping the body off/snapping shackles/braining a bystander then don't attempt it and maybe think about getting some decent recovery kit......or learning how to drive :p

Tis true that a clear explanation of what is about to happen is important when you haven't a clue of another drivers abilities or experience and if you think it's possible some damage is possible make sure they know and accept the risk. Get it in writing if your paranoid. ....I never have.

I've helped dozens over the years and never had a problem. I did rip a plastic sump guard off once as it was stuck on a fence post stump but as I'd told them it was likely to happen and might take the front spoiler out with it (but didnt) they were very grateful.

It's a sad world if we're too afraid to help each other for fear of being sued. If ya can't be bothered then fair enough but I like to help out when I can.....sometimes the person needing help is me

Oi ya fecker I ripped the sumpguard off. Still think a gentle nudge off the bank and onto the top of the Bus shelter was a better idea than towing her back up the slope. That WPC looked well ****ed that she'd missed her teabreak.. :rolleyes: :D
Oi ya fecker I ripped the sumpguard off. Still think a gentle nudge off the bank and onto the top of the Bus shelter was a better idea than towing her back up the slope. That WPC looked well ****ed that she'd missed her teabreak.. :rolleyes: :D

True, I just warned them to hold on tight and with luck you wouldn't pull their car in half :p
how would one prove that the towing vehicle had damaged the original vehicle? unless witnesses were there of course.

If its just you and the person thats stuck it would be your word against theirs?
I will pull anyone out as long as they aren't driving an Audi or a bmw, in which case they can sort themselves out.

That's my strategy too :)

It get's slightly awkward when there are a few people stuck, one being a bmw and you recover everyone except the bmw... but i'm good with it :)

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