Fine. Turns out that the majority of us are feckin selfish. Won't bother helping anyone out anymore. " what's that luv? you've got stuck and you've got a kid in the back and you want ME to help?! F*ck off! This vehicle and these hands are for me!"

Oh, #### it. I'll still keep pulling the genuinely needy out. Wasn't asking for any help. Just wanted to know of any of you lot would do the same.

Just out of curiosity, have you decided yet if your new career as a tower outer is a go yet?
Just out of curiosity, have you decided yet if your new career as a tower outer is a go yet?

Yep. Called the boss up and let him know I won't be in on Monday. Going to hang around slippery areas of grass now, on the off-chance that someone will get stuck randomly. I've ditched my recovery straps and shackles too, got a piece of frayed rope in the back which I'll tie haphazardly to their bumper, just to add a bit of drama.
I've stopped crying now. I was really upset at first, but I've turned that frown upside down!
Just need a superhero-style outfit now, and a name...PullOut Man...PullBack Boy...?
PullBack Boy it is then!
Yep. Called the boss up and let him know I won't be in on Monday. Going to hang around slippery areas of grass now, on the off-chance that someone will get stuck randomly. I've ditched my recovery straps and shackles too, got a piece of frayed rope in the back which I'll tie haphazardly to their bumper, just to add a bit of drama.
I've stopped crying now. I was really upset at first, but I've turned that frown upside down!
Just need a superhero-style outfit now, and a name...PullOut Man...PullBack Boy...?
PullBack Boy it is then!

You could be pull out man and also be a poster boy for the Catholic Church too as well as a rescuer of damsels in distress.
You could be pull out man and also be a poster boy for the Catholic Church too as well as a rescuer of damsels in distress.


I've got the makings of a fine career here! Think of all the unwanted pregnancies I could prevent as PullOut Man at nighttime and all the damsels I could save during the day as PullBack Boy!
Hey, you Sir! If in doubt, pull it out!
Once went to a show with a twin axle trailer behind the 110. Due to ground conditions I was told that the estate tractor would pull the trailer off the wet ground.

End of show tractor turned up, estate hands hitched trailer on and proceeded to dig two big ruts in the wet ground as they had forgotten to release the hand brake on the trailer. They were not happy bunnies but since they hitched the trailer up it was down to them as far as I was concerned.

Somehow I think I would have caused less damage!

There might be some middle ground here - non slippery of course. :D although one might have to go around with legal documents to hand out for the towee?? (one who wants to be towed) to sign saying that they won't sue the arse off the tower.. Sad to say in today's litigious society, nothing is taken in good faith when flying broken recovery gear happens..
What I mean is take the time to explain that bodywork MAY get damaged depending upon where the vehicle's towing eye is located, you take no responsibility for any incurred damage etc. etc. The towee takes full acceptance of any risk incurred in them wanting you to recover their vehicle..

What happens if a bunch of people try and push a vehicle which is stuck - they might slip and fall under a wheel yet they're trying to be a good samaritan - they might push on the wrong bit of bodywork and dent/break something - no blame there apart from the owner not telling them where to push/pull etc. OK that situation's far less risky than flying shackles, but you see what I mean hopefully.
Tbh I dunno what the problem is.

For the most part we're talking about vehicles that need a little extra gentle pull not snatch recoveries ffs.

Mind you if you don't think your capable of pulling a car off some slippery grass without ripping the body off/snapping shackles/braining a bystander then don't attempt it and maybe think about getting some decent recovery kit......or learning how to drive :p

Tis true that a clear explanation of what is about to happen is important when you haven't a clue of another drivers abilities or experience and if you think it's possible some damage is possible make sure they know and accept the risk. Get it in writing if your paranoid. ....I never have.

I've helped dozens over the years and never had a problem. I did rip a plastic sump guard off once as it was stuck on a fence post stump but as I'd told them it was likely to happen and might take the front spoiler out with it (but didnt) they were very grateful.

It's a sad world if we're too afraid to help each other for fear of being sued. If ya can't be bothered then fair enough but I like to help out when I can.....sometimes the person needing help is me
Sorry to buck the trend, but during the week I was transporting baby daughter to Docs for routine injections when on one of the local small lanes a 7.5tonne box lorry was stuck misjudging the verge in a little pull in passing place. He was stuck!!! He waved in desperation and I stopped, despite already being late for the docs, he asked if I had a rope and could pull him out. Fortunatley for him I have some lifting straps in the car, told him it was at his risk and pulled him out. He was stuck but it was a gently pull out, didnt think my daughter would have appreciated a full scale unwarranted snatch recovery!!! Got to docs to find it was a wasted trip as jabs where all up to date.
i had to recover some ****ty 90 off my lawn. There was loads broken... but that was before it had arrived!
Think your statistical analysis is a bit off here anyway Blue - what you describe seems to show that only 1 out of several Defender owners who attend Nettlebed SR boot sale will tow peeps out. From experience this seems very low compared to other events I've been to in other counties and for other organisations. Fwiw unless I'm unable to stop because a) I absolutely have to be somewhere else, or b) if I stop I'll be as stuck as the car in question (which many car owners don't even grasp as a concept), then I'll be there selecting the best appropriate tow rope from my vast collection.

Last lot of snow I pulled a Megane off the top of a snow drift they had sledged onto at some speed - unknown to me the plonker looped the rope over my tow ball with the cover still fitted and smashed that to pieces - obviously offered me the 4.99 to replace it......not....! I'll still stop for others tho - he'll get his karma one day (or even that day if with luck he'd scoured bits off the exhaust etc underneath....):D A
Think your statistical analysis is a bit off here anyway Blue - what you describe seems to show that only 1 out of several Defender owners who attend Nettlebed SR boot sale will tow peeps out. From experience this seems very low compared to other events I've been to in other counties and for other organisations. Fwiw unless I'm unable to stop because a) I absolutely have to be somewhere else, or b) if I stop I'll be as stuck as the car in question (which many car owners don't even grasp as a concept), then I'll be there selecting the best appropriate tow rope from my vast collection.

Last lot of snow I pulled a Megane off the top of a snow drift they had sledged onto at some speed - unknown to me the plonker looped the rope over my tow ball with the cover still fitted and smashed that to pieces - obviously offered me the 4.99 to replace it......not....! I'll still stop for others tho - he'll get his karma one day (or even that day if with luck he'd scoured bits off the exhaust etc underneath....):D A

My statistical analysis is just fine thanks, i.e. I can count. At least up to 10 anyway and as I had 3 fingers left I made it 7! I also noticed it was only me helping others out, that was easy to see! They're all posh cnuts round here anyway so don't want to get their hands dirty, getting their Hunters muddy is bad enough!
Thanks for your input all the same!
Maybe someone with a legal background could work out some sort of 'at your own risk' waiver. It would be useful for Landyzone IR as well.
I remember a couple of years ago when we had some snow, I was driving up a very steep hill onto a mountain pass, and my disco on A/Ts in diff lock low couldn't get up. After sliding and slipping about three times I gave up. As I reversed back down to a passing place I could turn around in, a hatchback passed me. Something like a Hyundai.

Anyway this chopper got about 10 metres up and skidded backwards getting stuck on a big of the steep grass verge on one side of the road. He was by himself and had the audacity to jump out and call down the hill to ask for a push. Being the decent bloke I am, I bounded up to his car and started pushing his car to straighten it up. While pushing him something jarred in my back. It wasn't serious, but was enough to give me a bit of pain for a day or so afterwards.

As I watched him drive off down the hill, with only as much as a shouted "thanks mate" out of his window, I felt like a right mug. Swore then that if I should be in similar circumstances ever again a polite - unlucky mate, your problem, would be my answer. And to this day that's how I feel.

In truth, I probably would give a stricken driver a tow if they were desperate, but forget about the possibility of being sued. I'd be more concerned with the possibility or burning my clutch, getting stuck myself, the g-box going bang or some other misfortune. I doubt I'd get much sympathy or help from the stricken driver if such event did take place.
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So there really is an issue with towing people off a bit of mud with your 4x4..? I thought all this was just banter.. course I'd stop and help.. before HSE and the internet we used stuff called common sense and judgement.. :rolleyes:

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