Roger 47

Hi to all.
A quick question to the experts. I've done the search but not found my answer.
Replaced my filter covers due to water leaking into the car, drivers side via the heater vent.
Took the filter cover off and found water inside the aperture where the pollen filter goes.
Removed the wet filter and dried out the housing and fitted the new pollen filter covers o/s and n/s without the pollen filter.
I put a thin smear of grease on the gasket and fitted the covers.
Checked the o/s carpets or the towels I put on top this afternoon and they were wet again.
Removed the pollen filter cover and there is water just inside the aperture again.
So my query, is there anywhere else that rain water can leak into this aperture as I felt that the new cover had a good seal.

Thanks for any help.

As a side issue has anybody got a water proof P38?
You need the pollen filters in place. Could be the pollen filter drains are blocked especially if the foam has gone on the air entry by the wipers. The seal on the pollen filter housing can also leak. Need to take it apart and check.
Thanks for the info.
However, your answers have thrown up two more questions.
Why do the pollen filters need to be fitted?
Where is the pollen filter drains located?

Thanks for the info.
However, your answers have thrown up two more questions.
Why do the pollen filters need to be fitted?
Where is the pollen filter drains located?

The pollen filters need to be fitted to catch droplets of water in the inlet air.
No filters can also allow leaves and dirt In that over time could knacker your fans also create havock for hayfever suffering humans like me .
the pollen filters do exactly what they say, filter out pollen and dust and small particulates that would otherwise be sucked inside the car,they provide cleaner air than a normal ventilation system. when you remove them take a bit of time to have a good look at what they have trapped . i think you will be suprised. the drains are shown in the link i posted earlier.
Thanks for the information very useful to know. I'm going to have a go at the w/e if we haven't floated away. MORE RAIN.

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