With or without the spotlights?

  • With the spotlights

    Votes: 11 28.9%
  • Without the spotlights

    Votes: 16 42.1%
  • Boobies

    Votes: 11 28.9%

  • Total voters
Nice idea Davie - but I have been told electric fans can cause all sorts of problems in dusty conditions and tend to fail! At least the viscous one keeps going!
erm - I didnt realise dust was a major environmental issue in Gt Missenden :D

Ooooh yeah, its a bloody nightmare! No-one realises it, but driving through Bucks is akin to driving through the sand dunes of the Sahara on a particularly windy day!

However, it's not all bad as I will experience the same conditions in Morocco next year :)
Wind and sand might strip your paint but the red bulldust we get in Australia will get in everywhere and you will never get rid of it

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