zero replies !!!!! yep thats about right ! i didnt think it would get a response, just like the atitude of nottinghamshire police when i reported someone casing up my landy, 3 times i called them when persons had been on my property looking around it at 3 in the morning ! not a single officer cam to check !

BUT next night after a fcuking do gooder rings in saying theres some biker bloke lives over the road from me and hes hanging about on his garden looking very ****ed off at 3 in the morning,, YEP your right 3 cars and a van !!!!! asking me what iam up to ?

so dont think i will be joining there site !
so then.lets be good now and make sure all beers and drugs are consumed in there entirety before travelling,....a tidy wagons a good wagon..:D:D:D:D:rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes:

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