@everlatesparky.... thanks for those.... Had already been advised of first one so had already gone to AVCIS, second one pulled from Ebay before I got to it and third one sent on to AVCIS.

Have asked them for some feedback generally as would like to think at the very least they consider the majority of what's advised to them worthy of a DVLA file flag to check out the buyers intentions when the change of ownership comes in.
Maybe we should all contact our MP's and insist on a change to the law to make it illegal to sell a vehicle's ID. or at least get them to put some pressure on Ebay to stop them from selling.
Maybe we should all contact our MP's and insist on a change to the law to make it illegal to sell a vehicle's ID. or at least get them to put some pressure on Ebay to stop them from selling.

Them fookers do not do what they were voted in to do in the first place. What makes you think they would change to help Plebs now :mad:

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