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PO264 Cylinder 2 Injector Circuit low voltage and PO302 Cylinder 2 misfire fault codes showing. Logic tell me these are connected, but it is a Freelander!!!

Asking for help to clear them. Could it be a pinched wire or dodgey connection after thermostat replacement or is the injector faulty therefore new injector.

Thanks for any advice.

Also for future reference, discovered that after thermostat renewal and radiator renewal bloody thing still overheats. Could only get 6 litres of coolant into the system despite capacity being 7.8 litres. Not HGF, new thermostat, new radiator, new coolant and fans kick in, so bloody big airlock?

Faithfully followed intructions on Rave CD for bleeding coolant system and tips on the forum. Still overheated. Several attempts. So Health & Safety dispensed with. Managed to clear airlock this way:-

Remove expansion tank cap. Undo bleed screw. Start engine so on tickover. Let the water pump push coolant through system until it flows form bleed screw without burping and a free flow back into expansion tank. H & S risks - Hot water possible scalding. Extra expense - 7 litres of coolant loss. Seems to have worked though. What a bloody bugger to bleed. Hope this helps someone but beware of the risks of scalding.

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