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I need to change a right-hand drive Series 3 to left-hand drive as cheaply as possible because this is for a charity.
I posted a thread back in July/August and had all the jokes now can anyone help? (no screwdrivers,tyres,turns) Thank You
This is done through a charity so if you are a registered company you can claim any help given against tax.
If anyone else is mad enough to be interested in driving to The Gambia for charity on 26 December 2008 let me know or go to The Plymouth-Banjul Challenge - Official web site

thank you
I'm interested.
Have been looking at this fer a while.
I have been planting some seeds for sponsorship too.
Might have a couple of organisations interested in putting some cash up.
What are your plans etc?.

We have a friend who completed this last year and wants to go again, so we are in the first stages of planning.
We are in Eastbourne, East Sussex and are having another planning meeting in a few weeks.
As well as the Plymouth-Banjul charity we are liasing with another charity called schools for Gambia to take aid out in the vehicles.
I have an old landy that I have said can go. We are hoping that there will be 3 or 4 vehicles going but they have to be left-hand drive so are hard to locate.
Any and all help will be appreciated
The rules of the charity run are that the vehicle has to cost under £500 including any work needed as it is then auctioned off at the other end to raise funds for the charity.
So I am just trying to work within the guidelines and aim to make as much money for them as possible, rather than spending it on the vehicle.
unless you have a friendly supplier of the required bits and a helpful welder ah think you be up against it , to get it done fer under 500 notes..
things like hanbrake lever you could leave where it is but yer gonna need a front crossmember replaced which int gonna be cheap. and a change of the steering box and associate bits.
Have they change the rules then?.
When I read the website the vehicle had to cost less than £100 and no more than £15 for Prep.
I have read loads of stories about this challenge and they are brilliant.
Like the blokes that went in one of them Mitsubishi 4x4 people carrier and the clutch went leaving em stranded with 100 grands worth of medical kit goin to be wasted..when a landy came by with 2 blokes who knew a bit of mechanics and they fixed the clutch with cardboard and some cable ties.
Aparently they fashioned a makeshift clutch plate..
and there was a couple who did the trip in a mk3 cortina too. made it all the way..
Are you sure it needs to be LHD too?..I thought gamia drive on same side as us?..must have read it wrong..
I would love to have a go at this challenge..its a mad idea but well worth it for the crack and the chance to help someone less advantaged.

good luck to ya tho as I believe its well over subscribed as they only allow a certain number to enter..
Apologies, LHD only it is. BUT the car still has to stand at less than £100 quid rule applies...
what sort of death trap will you get fer £100?
all sounds a bit dodgy to me
especially when yer man mixes up 500 with 100
OK, we will have to have another look at the rules, thanks. Even so I am donating the Landy free, if someone can supply some parts very very cheap or even better free then we shall be well on the way.
you should make a list of the bits yer need and see if any one that has them is willing to donate fer free.
OK, we will have to have another look at the rules, thanks. Even so I am donating the Landy free, if someone can supply some parts very very cheap or even better free then we shall be well on the way.

Good on you...
I have been trying to tap up my company for a bit of cash to try and have a go. they havent bitten yet, but havent said no.
I will keep dangling the publicity for the company carrot and keep trying.
If and when I get some interest I'll be on to my customers aswell.
The better the car the more it will go for at tthe other end and the more likely y are of actually getting there...
Slob, I know it might look a bit of a con but I have heard of this going on for a few years now and read loads of stuff about it..
and even met a bloke a few years back that was in the very first one.
thats what get me interested.
I just never had the guts to have a go..
Yes the site states that vehicles can cost no more then £100
but after rule five it states that rules are made to be broken except rules 4 and 5
We think that £500 is slightly more realistic, don't you?
if you are for real we are not leaving untill next year (2008) plenty of time to raise money and join us
thank you
We are more than happy to put a sticker on our vehicles for any company/club that wants to make a donation to help get us there and help some people that are less fortunate than ourselves.
if you are for real we are not leaving untill next year (2008) plenty of time to raise money and join us
thank you

Rick, I will endeavour to get an answer from my potential sponsors, and If I can raise some money I will take you up on the offer, thanks.
How many of you are going in your vehicle etc?.
Would you be thinking of all piling into one car or taking a number of cars.
And the burning question, Have you qualified for the 2008 run?.
I am hoping to get al least a few grand to hand over at the end aswell.
I might even try and get sponsorship from work collegues, I have lost count how many times I've been tapped up cos someones kid is doin a sponsored bogey dig or something at school
so its time for payback :D :D

will keep in touch,
It might take a while to get an answer on sponsorship but i wont give up.
The rules of the charity run are that the vehicle has to cost under £500 including any work needed as it is then auctioned off at the other end to raise funds for the charity.

i think what you are doing is great but if the vehicles get auctioned off for charity then why limit their value?
That's a good question. I don't have a clue. I only have the information they provide.
I guess it is to keep it a low key event, it seems to me that whenever big money is involved then the fun is taken out as people take it too seriously and the reason we and other groups do this (to help other people) is lost in politics.
I know HEAVY but this is just my opinion.
I've seen some off the landies going on that before - like an ex-mod 90, nice paint job and a full set of wolf rims and mitchelin XZls - that's £100 a pop for each corner. and an extra fuel tank, recovery kit, etc etc blah blah.

There's no way on this earth that that was a hundred quid car with 15 quid mods. Either the rules are there to be broken (and only an idiot would take a 100 quid banger to africa) or all the bits are being nicked.

I suppose someone could "donate" a decent car with loads of mods for 100 notes, but then whats the point of the rules?

Ther's 130 ex-mod lhd series threes just being sold by Jacksons by the way under £500 a pop..

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