
New Member
Morning All,

So which penetrating oil (keep it clean!) do you guys recommend.

Finally got the front body work off the 110 after a bit of a scrap and see loads of nice rusted bits and bobs. I am going to buy a bucket of the stuff to drown everything in and would like to get the one with the best track record.

Any information gratfully received as it will help to save a bit of the folding.

GT85 is good, currently trying the 3-in-1 penetrating stuff. Seems OK so far but haven't come across any truly rusted to ferk bolts yet...
Morning All,

So which penetrating oil (keep it clean!) do you guys recommend.

Finally got the front body work off the 110 after a bit of a scrap and see loads of nice rusted bits and bobs. I am going to buy a bucket of the stuff to drown everything in and would like to get the one with the best track record.

Any information gratfully received as it will help to save a bit of the folding.


seeing you wont be using the bolts again just get the angle grinder on them - or a gas axe - or just heat to help crack them
like tall bloke said dont waste yer effort undoin nuts and bolts yer not keepin , just grind umm off .... its a waste of time trying to undo umm and it always ends in tears .... and skinned knuckles ...
WD40 and GT85 are both pretty good - GT85 isn't (so im told) as corrosive, and lubricatres for longer, but i think WD is slightly more penetrative.

Agreed about the grinder though.
Plus Gas is best penetrating / releasing stuff.
WD40 is best moisture dispersant, but becomes sticky after repeated application and time.
GT85 is better at penetrating than WD, but not so good at dispersing moisture.

I use GT85 because it smells nicest.
The best rust buster type penetrant is made by Cyclo products(made in USA ) called break=away dont know if you can get in UK but if you see any grab it. Its light years better than the others :) I came across it in OZ
I sent these guys an email requesting more information about there products and they sent me a DVD showing demo's of all their products. On one of the clips they show an Electric drill still working when immersed under water!! I've since ordered a case from them and it really is good stuff!

Drop them an email at
The best I've come across is Q20. Its new to the UK but I saw them at a trade show and the stuff looks pretty good!

website is JV International range of Q oils and Q20 Lubricant from Southern Africa new into the European market known as Spookpis in South African armed forces

I sent these guys an email requesting more information about there products and they sent me a DVD showing demo's of all their products. On one of the clips they show an Electric drill still working when immersed under water!! I've since ordered a case from them and it really is good stuff!

Drop them an email at

Tinned meat!
KROIL simply ****es all over anything else I've ever tried, trouble is, it's a bitch to get hold off. I have dobermans guarding my tin.
Next time you're having a bath plug your toaster in and take it in with you!!

Don't think there is any need for that, am actually quite genuine and was just sharing a bit of product info with you, I know of the people who sell it, friend of a friend of a friend and so on.

Tinned meat indeed. Proud owner of a 97 disco 2.5. best vehicle I ever owned. used as a leisure bus. loved and cared for. goes anywhere. takes me and my bikes the length and breadth of uk. Faultless!

keep all your electronics and show me the mechanicals any time.
I use ACF50 which I find quite useful, but as said above, if you aint planning on using the fasteners again, just sheer them off with a big bar or cut them off.
Kroil and PB Blaster are my favorites, and I can't seem to find either in the UK. Might have to request a care package from home...
You can get a small tin of the precious KROIL from reloading solutions, I also use it down the pipes of my lead chuckers. Dobermans are much easier to get hold of.

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