unless he's got signs saying "CCTV in operation" or words to that effect any footage can't be used as evidence a loop hole in the law says that it's classed as "entrapment" if there are not signs

Sorry - dont agree

CCTV Warning Signs

Under the Data Protection Act, it is a statutory requirement that any commercial organisation using a CCTV system to record images, must display appropriate warning signage.

Note: although the display of warning signs is not normally a requirement for domestic CCTV installations, owners of such systems should be aware that if their CCTV cameras cover any area beyond their own domestic property boundary (including any portion of a neighbouring property), their CCTV system should be registered with the information commissioners office.



Signs MAY be displayed to act as a deterrent
You are not over reacting at all. They were casing it out.

Cameras that are visable may help - but they may just come with hoods etc next time.

Security is about making life difficult for them. If you have a couple of those sunk in bollards, it will help deter them as they will make more noise getting it out. GPS tarckers are doing better deals, so owners clubs are getting some good arrangements going with the suppliers.

A tracker sticker may deter them, though they usually strip to find it. Some are the size of an egg, so can easily be hidden and run on batteries - just regularly change them! Or you can hard wire in an old mobile phone and use that as a tracking device via websites.

I would use physical obstacles first - they may well have not been back as it is blocked in, you never know! One or two bollards close behind will put them off - especially if they are positioned, so that even if dragged sideways the vehicle could not get out.

Easier to go elsewhere in that case!
No point watching them take ya motor.!! Ive legally worked too hard to watch my pride and joys just be taken.I have to hand a teng tools torque wrench calibreated for hitting ****s and a baseball bat with nails driven in over my dead body will that be taken:mad::mad:


solid posts

personal weapons

pedal boxes

every landy owner should have them
Pedal box is a waste of money. Unfortunately the Defender is very easy to steal and very difficult to secure. Think of how you drive it offroad, all those attributes allow someone who knows what they're doing circumnavigate (that means get around ;-)) most physical security. Pretty sure my std 300TDi would shove a post pretty easily. Likewise the pedal box doesn't stop it being started up in gear.... You could leave it in low box tho, then simply walk up to the window and 'converse' with them when they chug along at half a mile an hour on idle! In an open forum Im not mentioning my extra security, simple easy stuff that also exists on my (real) mini and that doesn't get in the way of normal use. That and I have a very effective dog and some old fashioned attitudes ;-) I dont hide my 90 behind my other cars, it'd make a right mess pushing past them. Hopefully if a opportunist is just up for a joy ride they can have my pikey neighbours Disco which'll be much easier to steal as the doors are hanging off. Assuming they can stand the smell of chips and half eaten hedgehogs....

Check out Network Webcams for an upgrade on your system. I run a few of these. Cameras really though are a deterrent or an opportunity for you to do your own investigative work post theft.
what about fitting a camera inside of the landrover itself?

It can be rigged to a motion sensor which you can activate when leaving your car for the night.

Anything climbs inside... it starts recording.

Better yet, the motion sensor sends you a text when it is disturbed, possibly with still shots of whatever has disturbed it.

There have been several burglary convictions based upon this kind of security where the homeowner has rigged up a webcam
A friend of mine once suggested rigging up the horn to the fuel pump power feed which is disabled by a hidden toggle switch that drives a relay to disable the horn when in normal operation by the owner as they would know the position of the hidden switch.

The idea behind this is that when the fuel pump is activated by the ingition being turned on unauthorised, it will also sound the horns permenantly drawing attention to the viehicle and alerting the owner.
what about fitting a camera inside of the landrover itself?

It can be rigged to a motion sensor which you can activate when leaving your car for the night.

Anything climbs inside... it starts recording.

Better yet, the motion sensor sends you a text when it is disturbed, possibly with still shots of whatever has disturbed it.

There have been several burglary convictions based upon this kind of security where the homeowner has rigged up a webcam

There is a system that the police use in covert capture cars called 'Toad-eye' or similar which gives all round vision and reports to a black box such as those used in aircraft. Problem with that is, it assumes you get the vehicle back!

A good camera and post should deter most - there are plenty of Land Rovers around without those things to worry about. But the thing is, if they want it, they will take it (I talk from experience here) and the only tool that would have helped is a tracker.
so camera tracker combo should lead to a conviction?

If the device texts you when activated... you can notify the police immediately
so camera tracker combo should lead to a conviction?

If the device texts you when activated... you can notify the police immediately

Yes, the picture is court quality and assuming the vehicle is found, they can see who took it. They will probably know who it is, or be able to find them - there will always be an exception though!

Main thing would be getting the vehicle back before it is stripped - I had an old Capri I kept for classic status years ago (3.0s 36k on clock) Banger boys had that, they found it 2 hours later stripped and half prepped for racing!
have you tried doing a snap and cap with only a set of molers instead of a wheel you wont be able to do it

have you ever seen the state of a steering wheel after this has been done im 100% sure a set of moleys will just slip off the spline :):):):)

I haven't, but posters on here have reported it as bona facta. Also a scumbag thief won't give a fck about potential damage, especially if it's on it's way to a chop shop...
have you tried doing a snap and cap with only a set of molers instead of a wheel you wont be able to do it

have you ever seen the state of a steering wheel after this has been done im 100% sure a set of moleys will just slip off the spline :):):):)

I'd like to argue that it CAN be done.

I've driven a fair few vehicles using mole grips in place of a steering wheel. Fine I haven't done any sort of speed in them but none the less I have done it. Vauxhalls often used to have the head of the shaft snap off when oiks went to snap the steering lock. This left nothing but a round bar for the moleys to grip to and I still had no problems driving em .

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