
New Member
i have tried and tried to get the RAVE file to work, I downloaded it, downloaded the Alcohol120%, I burnt the RAVE file to disc, I still do not have a program to open the file correctly!!! it is driving me mad!! will someone with a bit more computer wits please explain to me what has to be done to view this file!!!:confused: :confused: :confused:
have you bothered to read the reply directly for you posted in that other thread you started the other day on exactly this same topic ?
have you bothered to read the reply directly for you posted in that other thread you started the other day on exactly this same topic ?

i think someone has. Mind yu its only Sean - not a "helpful" peep;).:behindsofa:
yer it wuz only me

i've exhausted me being elpful quota for this year now - i'm resorting to the standard response "do a search ya lazy fecker cos it's been covered a zillion times on ere before"
LOL ...

Rave ... the download comes as an iso or similar file, which needs to use an appropriate software, Alcohol, Isobuster, Magiciso etc to either mount it to the Hard drive of the computer, or a software, such as the above + Nero, XPCDWriter, etc to write an iso file to a disc.

Once you have it written correctly (not copied) to a disc you can then install it, just like any other app, to the computer HD.

It's also possible to get the pdf files off and use Adobe reader to view them, but you need iso reading software to do that ... ;)

However ...
If you need this much help, without you (apparently) doing anything to help yourself I'd seriously suggest you don't bother with Rave, 'cos you'll never follow it properly and you will feck up your engine ... ;)

Hope that's helpfull enough ... ;)

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