nah! - yu ok HB - the best time fur adults to hold hands and skip down the road is when yu is with yo kids :D:D:D
I ave that prob HB (brain goin to **** on Wikky, not the wimmin thing) - i'm normally a reet peaceful gentle blurk, gimme a wisky at the end of a night out and i'll pick a fight wi pretty much anyone (lately it's just a good but unreasonable argument!) including meself if every other bugger's fekd orf!
too much wikky (well all alkahol) sends me ter sleep - dunt git fighty or nuffink.
there's some embarrasin piccies of me around bein asleep at parties!
I ave that prob HB (brain goin to **** on Wikky, not the wimmin thing) - i'm normally a reet peaceful gentle blurk, gimme a wisky at the end of a night out and i'll pick a fight wi pretty much anyone (lately it's just a good but unreasonable argument!) including meself if every other bugger's fekd orf!

I don't get violent on wiccy, I just get rilly, rilly stoopid and love everyone and say FAR TOO much more than I shud. If I wanna get violent i'll drink vodka or pints o Stella... Tha does the trick without a doubt! Int drunk either fer a good few years now!! I think its fair to say me brain went to **** years ago.. In fact, i'm not sure it wer ever fully functioning to begin with....!
I don't get violent on wiccy, I just get rilly, rilly stoopid and love everyone and say FAR TOO much more than I shud. If I wanna get violent i'll drink vodka or pints o Stella... Tha does the trick without a doubt! Int drunk either fer a good few years now!! I think its fair to say me brain went to **** years ago.. In fact, i'm not sure it wer ever fully functioning to begin with....!
I spose it aint so much violent as an absoute certainty that what i am saying is right and whatever anyone else is saying is absolutely wrong (even if theyre agreeing with me!) - whereas what i say in general is a load of guff at the best of times!!!:D

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