
Active Member
I am sorry if this is in the wrong section however, help is required.

i was in work this morning and myself and a work mate were talking about numbers. he says that there are 12 million World of warcraft geeks in the world. i belive that there are more landrovers, am i wrong or right?

tried using a famous search engine (G) to find numbers and could only find figures for North america sales and series total sales, came to 2.7 million,

anyone at least have a link to where i can find the data.

thanks for any help in advance.
I think there are more WOW geeks out there than land rovers.....don't have any figures to prove tho...!!! However, there may be more land rover owners + enthusiast + fans compared to WOW geeks.....don't think there is an answer for this.....haha!!
I'd prefer to be part of an elitist group of land rover owners, who don't just order pizza and never leave their pc where they live a virtual life as their solitude personal life has crashed and burned a long time ago. The only other human contact these people get (other than the pizza delivery guy) is from the vast amounts of porn they watch and use to 'exercise'
I'd prefer to be part of an elitist group of land rover owners, who don't just order pizza and never leave their pc where they live a virtual life as their solitude personal life has crashed and burned a long time ago. The only other human contact these people get (other than the pizza delivery guy) is from the vast amounts of porn they watch and use to 'exercise'
i would love to agree, however i am in the forces and on shift with two others who both "geek it up"
would rather be up to my elbows in oil swearing with scuffed nuckles than spend two minutes playing a computer game!
Numbers don't matter if God is with us and right is on ourside. A bunch of pooter geeks have got no chance. We'll send the Gaylanders in to soiften em up first Rangie guys can hold the wings and when the Geeks are creased up laughing at the leffer armrest fairies The disco and Traccta boys will strike their centre. Upon my Command Unleash Hell :D :D

Can't as possibly need to go out if **** kicks off at a farm with T4 event camping
last night my mate had to run over someone's BBQ and they have had some problems with drinking and drugs too.

:D joys of a carnival club
least we don't resort to slow poisoning up ere.. have ya sussed out what the Doris is putting in ya food yet???

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