Hi Graham, I thought your name sounded a bit familiar, I reckon we spoken before.

Just for your info I normally find when dropping the autobox oil that I get about 4.5ltrs out. The total capacity of the autobox + Torque Converter is 9 ltrs but you can only ever get 4.5ltrs out at a time, the rest stays in the TC.


Oh yes Dave youve helped me out in the past!!! :D

Mini-update: I dropped out the current ATF to find there was only 2.5L in there, which does concern me as I have fairly recently added approx 2L therefore its either leaking or I had been running it half full (or half empty :rolleyes:) for some time.

Also, its more brown in colour than I was hoping for, especially considering some of the oil is fresh, and it smells slightly burnt - although nowhere near as bad as when my last box blew that stuff really did stink.

Heres a photo of what I go out:

So Ive now added 4.5L of fresh Dextron 2, was unable to determine level on the dipstick straight away but Im gussing this is because it will take some time for it to all drop down the tube. At least there is now oil on the dipstick when I pull it out!

But.. I took it for a 2 minute drive round the corner and the noise is still there :mad::mad:

I'm now working on the basis that either the autobox is irreversibly damaged due to running on low oil (hopefully not the case) or the noise is coming from elsewhere, either the transfer box or front diff..
lets have some pics of that Nautique up aswell, love my ski boats me does :)

Here you go mate, its circa 1982 so an old skool ski boat! As with all these types of projects (like when buying the disco..) it went from a quick and easy 'fixer-upper' to a major restoration job.
I bought it March 2012 and after spraying all new gelcoat and graphics, new dash, rub-rail, electrics, lots of fibreglass repair and engine and carb overhaul its getting there, will hopefully be finished for the summer.. :)


We had an early 80s ski technique a while back that was again a full rebuild, changed from metal flake blue and black to Stars and Stripes red and white, the gem was that it was a barefoot build so it had a big block 7.4, the old twin speedo dash you have takes me right back, that's a lovely boat you have there graham, you should be very proud to moor up alongside the x-stars and binliners in such a classic, give me an old nautique and a mono ski any day over the new deep v ski boats!!

Best of luck finishing the project!

Are you a towboat driver or skier yourself?! :)

We had an early 80s ski technique a while back that was again a full rebuild, changed from metal flake blue and black to Stars and Stripes red and white, the gem was that it was a barefoot build so it had a big block 7.4, the old twin speedo dash you have takes me right back, that's a lovely boat you have there graham, you should be very proud to moor up alongside the x-stars and binliners in such a classic, give me an old nautique and a mono ski any day over the new deep v ski boats!!

Best of luck finishing the project!

Are you a towboat driver or skier yourself?! :)

Deep V ski boats? What's the world coming to?! That wake boarding isn't proper skiing! Probably practiced by failed slalom skiers! The old Nautiques were great, (very strong), but the wake was a bit hard. The old Mastercrafts were a bit easier to deal with until the newer @no wake zone' Nautiques came out in about 1990.
A retro Stars and Stripes is a very cool boat nowadays and they seem to command an according price.

The golden age of waterski and its associated lifestyle no doubt, most of these boats are older than me!! :D
Well we made it!! The disco seems to have developed a major oil leak which needs sorting pretty soon.
I'm toying with the idea of getting underneath and cleaning off all the current oil then (don't laugh!..) spraying snow spray, the stuff you can get at Christmas for windows. I'm thinking the dry powder finish might do a good job of showing the fresh oil and allow me to trace it back to the source.
Any better ideas??
Where is it kind of coming from?

300tdi tends to leak from the bell housing or from the oil cooler pipes near the filter, usually showering the front diff in oil.

Any of those areas?
Yes pretty sure it's engine oil, for the last year or so it would leave a few spots on the floor after parking up. But it must have got worse as getting to essex Fri night it left s*** loads on the road!
It doesn't smell like atf
It's hard to tell where its coming from but there is lots of oil from the filter down and the front diff is covered, but it's transferred to most of the underneath both engine and gearbox oil pans etc..
Ah great thanks, I already did the crank seals a while back was close to looking at then again you've possibly saved me wasting a lot of time!!
I've never really noticed where the pipes attach to the engine, although have disconnected them from the cooler a few times, shall have a butcher's..
Just at the side of the filter really, buy new pipe kit, you need like one spanner and around ten minutes to complete the job, no more leaky 300tdi.

ours was getting a bit ridiculous, now its only the rear end that leaks a little

happy days!
Have just ordered repleacement upper and lower pipes off ebay, the current ones must be pretty old so for the sake of £30 might as well get new ones.

Its difficult to get any decent photos of the extent of the leak, but you can see the whole underside is pretty much covered in oil. I went for a quick spin during my lunch break and then popped the bonnet with engine running to see whether there was anything dripping from the cooler pipes, but I guess with a slow leak it would take quite some time for each drip to appear. Either that or the leak is coming from somewhere else!

<a href="http://s258.photobucket.com/user/graham22k/media/utf-8BSU1BRzAyMTEuanBn_zpsbfe0ed2e.jpg.html" target="_blank"><img src="http://i258.photobucket.com/albums/hh256/graham22k/utf-8BSU1BRzAyMTEuanBn_zpsbfe0ed2e.jpg" border="0" alt=" photo utf-8BSU1BRzAyMTEuanBn_zpsbfe0ed2e.jpg"/></a>

The oil comes out of the crimps where the hose meets pipe.

No point buying anything other than a pair of new.

Needs a good steam clean with jizer after you're done to monitor future leaks, apart from just general cleaning!!

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