
Active Member

Not been using the P38 recently, trying out the public transport....ewww!!

Anyways, basically the battery has gone flat, as remote central locking doesn't work and no flashy from alarm led inside....no problem u say...pop the bonnet, charge/jump....Ermmmm...(and this is the stupid bit).....the door doesn't open with the key....

Now, I replaced the drivers latch around a year ago and it defo worked once I replaced it....

Now question is, how do I get in with the least expense....if I break a window, which one is cheapest and also will I be able to open bonnet? I know doors are super locked but does bonnet super lock??

I've had a theory, but being non mechanical I'm probably gonna be shot, but I got a towbar with twin electrics....so guessing "caravan" side has direct link to battery? So is there anyway of putting 12v up there enough to remote open doors??

I know this is public forum and u all want ur vehicles to stay with u so PM if needed...and I will not repeat on here....

Hope u can help....if not, just poke some fun...
It's possible to release the bonnet from underneath with difficulty, no it doesn't superlock.
Whether you can back feed from the caravan socket will depend on how it's wired, on mine there is a relay that drops the 12 volt feed when the engine is off to protect the battery, no harm in trying as long as you don't try to start the engine with the back feed in place.
Personally i would probably wedge the top of the door out & use a coathanger to pull inside door handle but not sure if it would work - never done a p,38
Someone will stand me correct I'm sure if needed, but can you get a jump lead onto the back of the starter from underneath to get power into it to allow you to use the fob? - Although its been a long day, so can't think right now what then stops the starter spining.......!!!!! back of the solenoid maybe??

I'll get my coat :)
Someone will stand me correct I'm sure if needed, but can you get a jump lead onto the back of the starter from underneath to get power into it to allow you to use the fob? - Although its been a long day, so can't think right now what then stops the starter spining.......!!!!! back of the solenoid maybe??

I'll get my coat :)
Yep that's a good way, battery pos onto the big terminal on the starter motor, neg to chassis:):)
Connecting a +ve power wire to the main terminal on the starter motor, -ve to the engine/chassis, would allow you to recharge the battery.

As stated above the bonnet can be opened with difficultly but it is possible.

PS. I'II just shut up then.....:(
Personally i would probably wedge the top of the door out & use a coathanger to pull inside door handle but not sure if it would work - never done a p,38

Wont work the superlock is to prevent the inside handles working
The caravan socet it prob best bet but like alredy posted if its relayed that wont work eather
Then its down to the grill but because most of the screws for it are on the top you will have to break it but look on ebay there not expencive
If you do end up poping a window it will have to be one you can fit through to reach the bonnet relese cos you still wont be able to open the doors from the inside
Good luck
Cheers Guys.......not sure of the pin config on caravan socket so will try starter motor trick....if not the grill is in for a surprise.....
Would recommend you get a battery trickle charger. An intelligent one that you can connect to the battery without having to disconnect the battery. Good ones can be left on for months..........
Mine can normally get a partly charged (not enough to start though) going in an hour or so. Well worth it.

I'm Dumb........nuff said....

Right, cant find the starter motor from underneath....probably couldn't from top either!!

So i went for caravan socket option....stuck neg in pin 7 (middle) and +12v in pin 3 (bottom), heard some bleeps...tired unlock on fob....nada, nothing, zip, not a bean.....all i get is dash message "keycode lock out"....

So basically I have a 2.5t lump of crap sitting outside, costing insurance and tax and parking permit....mind u its being to most economical it has ever been....

Please help me........ :(
Keycode lockout means that the EKA code has been entered incorrectly a number of times, you need to wait for that to disappear before entering the EKA code.

If you've got that on the dash then you must have power to the car so you just need to wait for that message to clear before entering the EKA code.

The key fob won't work if it's been out of battery until it has been resynced and you can't do that with it alarmed, so the EKA code needs to be entered then you're pretty much done I think.
i think i tried it at same time, but just didnt hear to right unlocking sounds....

jacckk, i cant enter the eka code as my door lock key thing bit is not working... :(
Crap, I've read through this thread loads of times now. That's what I get for replying before reading, sorry!
no worries, cheers for having a think...
If the battery was totally flat, you will need to leave charger connected for some time before the voltage will rise enough for things to work properly as you are going through an indirect route with a lot of volt drop.

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