
New Member
What's better arnotts gen 2 or Dunlop ? Is it worth paying for gen 3 and what else would I need to buy ( with the 2" lift ) ? I want to keep my p38 on air is there any other opions ? I have a spilt in one of my air springs and not sure how long I have till it pops Please help!
dunlops or gen 2 for mainly road work easy greenlanes gen 3 for serious off road stuff i would say but someone will correct me soon enough if wrong:)
Thanks for replys do you know if I fitted gen 3's I would have to change shocks , and if there is anything else I would have to change
To get the benefit of a 2"lift you need +2" shocks and you have to move the highth control sensors so to make the computer do everything 2" higher.
So the lowest setting, motorway, would be the same after as normal highth
Is now.
gen 2 fine unless you want serious off road, dampers if you change to gen3 and recalibrate eas to allow it to go higher
All the info I can find about the gen 2's are people saying when they have gone wrong . I go offroading in my rr and it was good with the dunlops ( until one spilt ) can any one tell me if they have had them fitted what they are like same for gen 3's
All the info I can find about the gen 2's are people saying when they have gone wrong . I go offroading in my rr and it was good with the dunlops ( until one spilt ) can any one tell me if they have had them fitted what they are like same for gen 3's

Some Arnotts have gone wrong, a small proportion of the total in use I would suspect, when they fail Arnotts generally replace them. If your Dunlop fails 2 years after fitting you buy a new one.
I've arnotts on the rear and started the lifetime warranty debate. From all i've learned there is no way i'd be buying dunlops. Everywhere i look they are basically the same price (gen 2 anyway), and i fall victim to their sales pitch by understanding the technical reasons arnott give for being better. Just my tuppence worth!
Thanks for info it been a big help . Does anyone know where I can get the shocks I need and what's the best to buy for the gen 3's can't find any that are longer to fit p38

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