
New Member
I am home.. had a brilliant day, thanks to everyone for help and directions.. must have bee firing on less than 8 all the way home cos I got to just round the corner and the temp guage shot up.. oil light came on.. stopped on the drive and checked.. oil full, water not.. filled with hot water and it started whistling like a kettle from somewhere in the middle.. between the two heads.. so with any luck all I've done is blown a head gasket eh...

Oh well it was worth it for such a great day (says the man who hasn't seen the bill yet)
Hardly any water out there. We had to search like buggery to find any.
Sounds like you guys had a good time on the plains today... pics would be great!
I didn't have a camera with me but there was loads of vids taken at least.. pretty dry out there but thanks to expert guides we managed to find a few places to make a splash and the odd cow to move out the way too
Oh no DV can't have broken something!! surely not????


few more piccies here Salisbury Plain pictures by redhand010 - Photobucket
Course I broke summat!! :doh:

Wouldn't be a good day out otherwise.

I'm sure my Disco prefers to be 2WD, rear prop in the boot again !!! Still carried on regardless an cleared Daft's ole with only the front workin :D:D:D
Hey Tigger,

really sorry to read about yur head gasket issue, if yu need an extra pair of hand to strip it, give me a shout an I'll pop across.

If yu haven't got my No. any more PM me
No action piccies as all that's on video. We're out again tomorrow, so will hopefully get a link to the vids up in the week.

Great day guys, nice to meet you all and hope to get out there with you again soon!
I see pikey did not take the benetton then :p Looks like you lot had a good day out :)

No, but he took a shovel an wandered orf into the woods for a while :mooning: :eek::eek::eek::eek: :mooning:


toooo much information :scratching_chin:

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