
Drivels spiritual representative
Jacked up the wheel and I can move it side to side with the play (as in the motion the wheel makes if the steering wheel is moved). There is no up and down movement so isnt't the wheel bearing. The movement also reduces slightly when the brakes are applied.

To get rid of the play, do you just adjust the preload with the shims and checking with the spring balance?

Its a new timken bearing I put in last year and im assuming its just bed in now meaning the preload setting's too low
IF the movement decreases with application of the brakes ...

Then look at the bearings ...
Railkos/Swivel bearings are unaffected by the brakes .
Are you sure that one (or more) of the steering rod balljoints isn't the culprit?
Yeah, the balljoints are practically new, they were one of the last jobs done before I got the vehicle.

If it was wheel bearing would play not be all over and not just side to side?
wheel bearing and swivel can present with play side to side and up and down/in and out.
hard to explain in words, but try using a crowbar under the jacked up wheel to lift the wheel vertically on the swivels rather than rocking the wheel at 6 oclock and 12 oclock position. if you can get the movement to present, reach round with the spare hand and stick I finger between the drum and backplate to feel for movement in the wheel bearings, then put yer finger on the chrome swivel and swivel housing seal to feel for movement in the swivel bearings.
failing the crowbar method, yer need to get a mate to instigate the movement while you crawl underneath and visually see where the movement is.
would suggest side to side only movement is drag link/track rod related.
Other possibilities then, because the play you're getting just doesn't fit with a slightly worn swivel bearing.

Wheel bearing on the opposite wheel. Steering box. These things are best diagnosed with the front jacked up (on stands) and a friend winding the steering from lock to lock as you put your hand on each link of the chain, feeling for play.
Big indicator for me would be the reduction on the application of the brakes ....

Brakes on, locks movement in the wheel bearing and has no effect on the railko/swivels
Doesn't sound like swivels. Opposite wheel bearing might be a good call if you're sure of track rod ends etc.

Would only give side to side play and would reduce with braking.
Check that the bottom swivel pin and steering lever are nipped up tight. I had one that kept undoing itself until I replaced all the studs.
Doesn't sound like swivels. Opposite wheel bearing might be a good call if you're sure of track rod ends etc.

Would only give side to side play and would reduce with braking.

Beasty you were spot on! opposite wheel needed adjusting :)

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